Coffee review

Do you really want to open a coffee shop? Is there a future for a store run by Fuhe?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional barista communication please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) do you really want to open a coffee shop? Yesterday, my sister brought a friend to sit down and said she wanted to open a coffee shop! After three rounds of coffee, I asked. She said, it's all right! I have been teaching quilting for more than ten years. I feel tired and want to change my environment. Ready to quilt classroom coffee shop! The focus of business is coffee

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

"do you really want to open a coffee shop?"

Yesterday, my sister brought a friend to sit down and said she wanted to open a coffee shop!

After three rounds of coffee, I asked. She said, "it's all right! I have been teaching quilting for more than ten years. I feel tired and want to change my environment. I'm going to turn the quilt classroom into a coffee shop! "

"is the focus of business coffee or quilting?"

"do it all."

"have you ever seen a successful store with a compound operation?"


"are you a guest for coffee or a quilt?" In other words, I asked: "do you think you want to give the guest the impression of a coffee shop or a quilting classroom?"

"my original idea was to have coffee, and I also had the idea of changing careers."

"how much are you going to spend?"

"more than a million?"

"do you think it's good to spend so much money on an industry that you are completely new to and have to relearn?"


"you've been working on quilting for twenty years. Do you think you've only come here? Have you ever thought of using this money to invest in yourself to improve yourself? Have you ever thought about making yourself a master in the industry? "

We often see the green meadows in the distant mountains and forget that we still have rich mineral deposits buried deep in the ground.

"do you really want to open a coffee shop that much?"

Another friend of mine, whose second sister-in-law is the head chef of a five-star restaurant, suddenly wanted to do it himself at the end of last year, and the reason was no exception. In the economic downturn, the boss wanted to reduce the cost of ingredients, and he felt that to reduce the cost was to reduce the quality. So it's better to go back. So several sisters and brothers, Ying Huan, discussed opening a restaurant. At first I suggested that they open a small western restaurant with the characteristics of a chef. After all, you have to have two brushes to be a chef in a big hotel. However, they do not aim at this, they later opened a Japanese charcoal grill, but also a large restaurant with a seat of more than 100 people. Unfortunately, it took more than a month to put it away!

Of course, it was not because the coffee could not be put away, but it was constantly reported by the residents upstairs, the problem of illegal construction, the problem of exhaust emissions, and the last fire-fighting facility had to admit that they were unlucky. Thirty or 4 million yuan was wasted. Several brothers and sisters originally had some spare money in their hands, and each person was in debt of hundreds of thousands overnight, and what was worse was to reduce personnel expenses. They all quit their old jobs! What should we do if we are not only in debt but also unemployed? They immediately went to the top of another coffee shop that did not need to concede gold, in the alley of Tianmu loyalty Road.

I didn't know about their previous condition until they took over the coffee shop and ran it for a few days. It's just that you don't need a coffee shop that gives way to gold. What do you think? It can't be any better. is that right? So I sighed again and dared not make any more suggestions.

These two events are what prompted me to write this article.

"do you really want to open a coffee shop that much?"

It will cost millions to open a coffee shop that looks a little bit like it! If you want to have some artistic conception, but also want to have some style, but also want to have some characteristics, then spending twice as much money may not be as you like!

Let's just pretend that it costs 2 million to open a coffee shop. I want you to think about one thing first: "how did you get this 2 million?" Oh, did you earn it yourself? From parents and relatives? Borrowed? Will the bid be?

It's not a matter of risk! It's a question of whether it's worth it!

"2 million yay!"

If you save 20, 000 yuan a month, you will have to save at least eight or nine years before there will be 2 million! What work can we do so that we can save 20,000 yuan a month? Is it difficult? If I start saving 20, 000 yuan a month at the age of 25, I won't have 2 million in the bank until I'm 34-5 years old. And God bless you all these years, don't bring any disaster to me!

But you know what? 70% of the coffee shops won't last a year, the remaining 25% won't last three years, and the remaining 4.5% won't last five years! The remaining 0.4% is still there! Don't believe it? Do you want to figure out which coffee shop near the company where you work has not changed its owner for five years? Almost nothing. Is that right?

Do you think it is worth the accumulated results that you have spent several parts of your life, mental, physical and hard work, and there is a 95% chance that it may come to nothing in a very short time?

You mustn't tell me, "as long as you once owned it, you don't care about Tian Chang Di Jiu (Eternal Dumpling)". Too many people who don't drink coffee tell me that he once opened a coffee shop!

Of course, you can open a coffee shop without drinking coffee. No one says that people who open coffee shops must drink coffee. It's just that if you don't drink coffee, do you really know what kind of coffee you sell?