Coffee review

[No. 49 Mango Tree Cafe] go to the cafe to see the ice carving show with kitchen knives.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The exchange of professional baristas Please follow the Coffee Workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Secret customer Bank Shuicheng Economic and Trade Park in Taichung, I found a mango tree that can be called male, and opened a cafe nearby. I pushed open the door for a cup of coffee for the lovely chinchilla on the window. Fortunately, there is only the last place left, and there are chinchillas everywhere in the space.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The secret bank found a mango tree that could be called a male mango tree in the rezoned Shuicheng Economic and Trade Park in Taichung, and opened a cafe next to it. I pushed open the door for a cup of coffee for the lovely chinchilla on the window.

Fortunately, there is only the last place left, and there are Japanese animated objects such as chinchilla and faceless men everywhere in the space. It took me a lot of time just to stroll around. It seems that the boss should be a fan of Miyazaki.

The secret guest opened the menu and found that the content was introduced very carefully, so that people who came for the first time would not feel foggy. However, there was a wide variety of drinks and the ice hockey project was very attractive. I ordered ice hockey Bassamick vinegar and ice hockey honey vinegar. I wanted to try the option of handmade coffee, but I was always disturbed by the sound of "QQ buckle". It turned out that bartender was trimming square ice tiles into balls with a kitchen knife. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the bar. It felt like a show.

The latte ordered by a friend was decorated with chinchilla flowers. We sipped the coffee carefully for fear of damaging the lovely flowers. However, this cup of milk coffee is very creamy and the coffee flavor is not obvious.

The Bassamick vinegar was served in a whisky glass with the hockey puck. I poured in the vinegar and the puck melted gradually in the table. It tasted like an old wine.

Afternoon tea matcha beer sounds a little crazy, but I just want to taste it. Japanese COEDO beer is poured into Matcha sauce with Marujiu Hill Garden, which tastes a little sweet, but the astringency of matcha is not prominent and it is quite smooth in the throat. The limited muffin recommended by the store is said to be very rigid, not only limited supply but not on time for those who did not order drinks. Adding VALRHONA Favna to the dough increases the aroma, but reduces sugar, the outer crust of the muffin is crisp, and the filling tastes a little moist bitter cocoa, especially an instant-boiled mouth.

Very lucky to eat the original reservation of the mini Egg-Yolk Puff, quite appropriate, not tired of a mouthful.

Secret guest: chinchilla accompanied by coffee for healing

MT49 Mango Tree Coffee Shop 49

49 Houzhuang Seven Street, Beitun District, Taichung City

(04) 2426-4389

Bassamick vinegar with ice hockey, like whiskey.

There are chinchilla flowers on the latte, which makes people reluctant to eat it.

Isn't the muffin on a chinchilla plate so cute?

Chocolate Muffins, who is moist outside and inside, has a slightly bitter and sweet flavor.

Matcha beer has a slightly sweet wheat flavor of white beer, but the matcha flavor is not strong. No drunken driving, no alcohol under age

The chinchilla in the store is very healing.

The old mango tree is the amulet of the cafe.