Coffee review

Explain why Starbucks hands do not circle? Starbucks hand-made Coffee-Central Water injection method

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Professional barista communication Please follow the coffee workshop (official Wechat account cafe_style) recently many novices came to the editor to ask the editor, I bought a bean, it is from Ethiopia, why do Starbucks hand stew for 5 seconds, you tell me to stew for 30 seconds? Today, I will analyze the reasons for many factors such as beans, filter cups, techniques, and so on, which will affect the steaming time-1-the date of bean baking.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Recently, many novices have come to ask the editor.

I bought a bean. It's from Ethiopia.

Why did Starbucks hand stew for 5 seconds, and you told me to stew for 30 seconds?

Let me give you an analysis today.

There are many reasons.

Beans, filter cups, techniques and other factors will affect the steaming time.


Bean baking date

The purpose of "stewing": to help exhaust

Coffee beans in the roasting process from raw beans to ripe beans will undergo a series of chemical reactions and physical changes, after a certain degree of roasting, coffee beans will accumulate a large amount of gas (most people think it is carbon dioxide). Generally speaking, roasted coffee beans will be flushed for a few days, which we call the "bean cultivation period".

When we hand-feed water for the first time, we will see the coffee powder expand, which is the process of exhaust.

Let's take a look at the Essex beans at Starbucks.

This Essel bean belongs to medium and deep baked beans.

It is also basically past the bean breeding period.

After the bean cultivation period, the beans have basically been "exhaust".

Usually, coffee beans with deep roasting degree

The amount of gas accumulated is large, coupled with the loss of water in deep-baked beans, and the water absorption rate is high.

So steaming doesn't need to be too long.

Five seconds is enough!


Filter cup design

Starbucks filter cup design: ladder + vertical pattern + single hole

Extraction features: single hole, small caliber, slow launching speed

Principle explanation: for medium and deep-roasted coffee beans (such as Brazil, Mantenin), the coffee powder floats on the surface for more time in the process of brewing, and the resistance of water flowing out of the filter cup becomes less. In order to better control the extraction time, the filter cup with slower flow rate should be used.

The flow rate affects the taste, and it is easy to extract for too long, resulting in bitter taste.

So steaming doesn't need to be too long.

Five seconds is enough!


Water temperature

A high temperature close to 100 degrees Celsius to extract coffee, relatively speaking, can drink stronger coffee.

The water used in Starbucks hand flushing comes directly from the coffee maker.

High water temperature teaching

So Starbucks barista

Unified use of high temperature water injection steaming for 5 seconds

Five seconds is enough!


I told Yega to stew for 30 seconds?

Give me a brief explanation

Some coffee rookies receive beans within 10 days.

Fresh beans + shallow baking

Then use the water temperature of about 90.

In the case of

It's about 30 seconds of stew!

(15 grams of flour according to our standard, braised for 30 seconds)

The aim is to give the beans enough time to exhaust.

And the aroma factor in coffee will have more time to dissolve into hot water.

The taste will be a little more rich.

Plus we often use V60 filter cups.

For medium and shallow roasted coffee beans, in the process of brewing, the coffee powder sank more time on the surface of the water, and the resistance of water flowing out of the filter cup became greater, in order to better control the extraction time; the choice on the filter cup, it is recommended to use a filter cup with a faster flow rate. For example, the V60 ~ (th) key Diamond Cup

Brewing water temperature recommended according to baking depth

References are as follows:

Different flavor substances, have different extraction temperature, adjust the water temperature can control the taste of coffee, too bitter, the water temperature is lower; too sour, the water temperature is higher. Remember, as long as you know how to adjust the water temperature, you can change countless different flavors of coffee.

Finally, explain again.

Why doesn't Starbucks go around in circles?

In fact, not going in circles is also a special technique, which is called:

[central water injection method]

First of all, we have to make three points clear:

Starbucks beans

Deep baking + bean date + trapezoidal filter cup design

You don't need to go in circles.

Water injected from a large column of water in the middle

On the contrary, it will speed up the tumbling of coffee powder.

From this picture,

You can see the direction in which the water injected in the middle flows:

We can see that if the whole coffee noodle is filled with water, the water injected into the center will taste stronger because it passes through more honeycomb structure of coffee powder and is extracted more fully.

The coffee powder in the cup is actually honeycomb.

Because of the honeycomb gap, water can pass through the coffee powder to extract the water-soluble substance from the coffee.


Stew for 5 seconds


Central water injection

Technically, yes.

But the coffee is too strong.

I really want to say

It's like drinking Chinese medicine.

All right, that's all for today.

Thank you for reading!

Welcome to share!

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