Coffee review

What do you need to pay attention to when opening a coffee shop? These six things you need to know before you open a coffee shop

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional barista communication Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) many people want to open a coffee shop, but from the product to the environment, the story of the store, the way of dialogue, there are too many details to think about, is a challenge, but also an opportunity to show everyone's ideas, this article is to enable you to think about each link before you begin, but also through the teacher

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Many people want to open a coffee shop, but from the product to the environment, the story of the store, the way of dialogue, there are too many details to think about, which is a challenge, but also an opportunity to show everyone's ideas. The purpose of this article is to enable you to think carefully about each link before you start, and through the teacher's experience, so that you can take a less wrong path.

Hua Xiangyu (course), founder of Jiucheng Catering Studio, who has nearly 10 years of teaching experience in a number of schools and educational institutions, has answered our questions from all the students, entrepreneurs and tutoring coffee shops on both sides of the strait in the past. His suggestion is that any would-be owner who wants to open a store should first have an idea:

What you should do in business, v. s. What you want to do.

He explained that the demand of the market often falls behind the ideal of the boss. He gave an example with a smile. Can you guess what Taiwanese consumers like best when they go to coffee shops?

Special coffee, or American coffee with cream and sugar.

"everyone just likes the smoothness of cream," Hua Xiangyu explained. Special coffee is a method handed down all the way from the western restaurant. Very strong black coffee with a lot of sugar, as well as cream powder, strong coffee at the same time, sweetness and smooth flavor of cream are more important roles, "but you know in your heart that that is not what you most want to make for your guests."

Opening a coffee shop is like talking about your philosophy, story, and taste, but in the face of the gap between the market and the ideal, the choice is often the first test for entrepreneurs.

After facing the choice, we need to have a better understanding of the market. The main consumers are divided into several types, so we can survey the number of consumers in the region to adjust the product arrangement:

First, office workers, pink-collar workers: M-type consumption, the need to prepare a large number of basic models, but there must also be several higher-priced drinks that provide "small luck".

Second, sign-in tour: you need exquisite flowers on lattes and casseroles, and there are desserts in the store, because you must need these for photos. It is best to have an exclusive style on the decoration, cups and plates, so that consumers can recognize your store by photos.

Third, practice taste group: aimed at hand-made coffee, will come to the store with the mentality of tasting coffee, behavior and the way of drinking coffee, will be slightly different from other people.

After understanding the consumers we are facing, there is a series of key thoughts about opening a shop. Teacher Hua gives eight things that are easy to be ignored:

First, first understand why you open a shop: make money? The realization of style? retire? Make friends? This is the most fundamental problem, but many people have not thought about it clearly.

Second, the understanding of goods: do you really know anything about coffee? Is there enough training? Do you need to hire a professional bar?

Third, design style: in addition to the products, the style and furnishings in the store, and even whether there are books in the store, what is the type of music? Have a clear style setting, and then let the guests take pictures as much as they want.

Fourth, have "yourself": the personality of the owner of a coffee shop determines everything about the coffee shop, so you should have "yourself", from the story, the interaction of the bar to the decoration style setting.

Fifth, the ideal should be built in the right place: place, own house = born with a golden spoon.

6. Menu: only when you have uniqueness can you make money. "you can sell what you don't have outside, and you can sell what you don't have outside."