Coffee review

What is the difference between hand-brewed coffee and smart cup coffee? What coffee beans are suitable for smart cups

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) Smart Cup use skills Smart Cup extraction principle Introduction Smart Cup in the end where is smart? CleverCoffeeDripper Smart Cup combines French press pot and hand-made pot

When it comes to simple and convenient utensils, many people will think of French kettles. Indeed, the French press is a lot easier than hand-brewing coffee, mocha pots, coffee makers and so on.

But it also has a fatal problem, that is, it is difficult to clean up, just like for many people, cooking is not difficult, but it is difficult to clean up the dishes after meals. The coffee grounds in the French kettle are glued to the glass and metal strainer, so it is a bit difficult to clean. For the late stage of lazy cancer, I thought of cleaning and even gave up the idea of making coffee. For the coffee utensils used to treat lazy cancer patients, it is still necessary to blow the smart cup.


The Smart Cup was originally made in Taiwan, and its overall appearance looks like a large fan-shaped filter cup. The key to this design lies in the piston valve at the bottom of the filter cup. After boiling water is injected into the filter cup, the water pressure will make the piston valve close and stop the water automatically, and the coffee powder can be fully soaked in it. After soaking, place the filter cup on the mug, press the chassis to open the piston valve, and the coffee will slowly flow into the cup. In other words, a smart cup is actually a filter cup with a controlled launching valve, and the major coffee utensils manufacturers have developed similar filter cups with valves.


Therefore, there are many ways to play the smart cup, some use it as a filter cup with a valve (hand-brewed coffee), and some use it as a lazy version of the French kettle. Obviously, I belong to the latter. Here is the front street to share how to use this lazy cup smart cup. There are only five things to prepare: a smart cup, filter paper, coffee powder, hot water and a cup that can be filled with coffee. First of all, the smart cup also needs to use filter paper, filter paper is to use large fan-shaped filter paper. After placing the filter paper in the smart cup, you can put in the coffee powder. The thickness of coffee powder is slightly thicker than that of hand-brewed coffee, which is about 70% of the pass rate of sieve 20. The amount of powder is generally according to personal preference. In the front street, 15g per person is taken as an example.


Then pour hot water, hot water needs to use a higher temperature, the front street is recommended at 94-95 degrees Celsius. Pour 16 times the amount of powder at one time, and the street used to use 15g of powder, that is, the water poured into 240ml. Then you can close the lid and wait for 4 minutes.


After 4 minutes, you can gently shake the smart cup and put it on your cup so that the coffee will be filtered to your cup.


Cleaning up is also very simple, that is, pick up the filter paper and throw it away, and then rinse the smart cup with water, is it much easier than the French kettle?

Hand-brewed coffee has two functions of scouring and soaking in extraction, while smart cup has only soaking effect in extraction. Therefore, the coffee flavor from the hand-brewed coffee will be more lively and rich, while the coffee flavor from the smart cup will be more round and full and comfortable to drink.

Basically, coffee beans used for hand-brewed coffee are suitable for smart cups. If you like sour coffee with fragrant flowers, front street recommends Asalia of Kenya, Yega Sheffield Tintin of Ethiopia and Flower Butterfly of Panama. These coffees have very good aromas of jasmine and citrus acid.


If you don't like the sour taste, Qianjie recommends the Brazilian Queen's Manor Yellow Bourbon, the one Blue Mountain in Jamaica and Papua's Bird of Paradise. These coffees are clean, nutty, chocolate and caramel.


Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) more boutique coffee beans please add private Wechat Qianjie coffee, WeChat: qjcoffeex