Coffee review

How to use smart cup to brew delicious coffee smart cup grinding degree water temperature powder water ratio correct usage

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) smart cup use skills smart cup extraction principle introduction smart filter cup is one of the items, not only widely recognized by the international, but also many boutique coffee shops designated to use the instrument, because of its simple mode of operation, so that every beginner can easily use

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Smart Cup is a very interesting device invented by EK Intl Company in Taiwan. As long as you master the powder amount, proportion, grinding degree, water temperature and time, you can stably produce a cup of good coffee.

What's so special about the Smart Cup?

Smart cup design key lies in the bottom of the filter cup piston valve, boiling water into the filter cup, the water pressure will make the piston valve automatically close water, coffee powder can be fully immersed in it.

After soaking, place the filter cup on the mug, press the chassis to open the piston valve, and the coffee will slowly flow into the cup.

It can be said that the smart cup has the advantages of both French filter kettle and hand filter cup, which can not only provide a complete soaking environment of French filter kettle, but also take into account the filtering function of hand filter cup.

Cooking parameters of Smart Cup tutorial

Grinding degree

Smart cup filter coffee is the same as brewing coffee with filter cup filter paper. Under the same water temperature, powder-water ratio and extraction time, the grinding degree of the same coffee bean is too coarse, and the coffee flavor is easy to be extracted insufficiently, resulting in insipid flavor and lack of layers. If the grinding is too fine, the coffee flavor is easy to be excessively extracted, that is, after the flavor substances are extracted, the coffee powder is still in contact with hot water and hot water, releasing unpleasant flavors such as wood, resulting in strong coffee flavor but mixed flavor.

In Qianjie, it is recommended that the degree of grinding of shallow roasted coffee beans in smart cup filtration should be medium and fine (the pass rate of standard sieve No. 20 is 75% ~ 80%). The degree of grinding of medium and deep roasted coffee beans is medium and coarse (the standard sieve No. 20 has passed 65% and 70%).

Water temperature

If the water temperature is too high, the coffee flavor will accelerate the release rate, and it is prone to excessive extraction. If the water temperature is too low, the coffee flavor release rate slows down, and it is easy to cause insufficient extraction. In Qianjie, 90 ℃-91 ℃ is recommended for shallow roasted coffee beans and 88 ℃-89 ℃ for medium and deep roasted coffee beans.

powder-water ratio

According to the SCA Gold Cup extraction interval (extraction rate: 18%-22%, concentration: 1.15%-1.45%) as a reference standard, using different powder water ratio and filter cup brewing experiments, it was found that the coffee extraction rate of brewing with 1:15 was approximately 17.79%-18.73%. Although the gold cup is only on the edge of the standard, but through sensory testing found that the flavor is very suitable, suitable for the vast majority of coffee beans brewing.

immersion duration

Before the front street, a smart cup soaking time comparison was made, with 2 points, 3 points, 4 points, 5 points, 6 points and 10 points respectively. By contrast, the flavor of 2-4 minutes is better, with small tomato and pineapple flavors occupying the main tone, among which the longer the time in this range, the more prominent the sweetness. Combined with this experiment, it can be seen that the smart cup will have a better flavor when it is soaked in light coffee for about 3-4 minutes.

Next, the front street uses the yega-sherry sun-dried red cherry plan for brewing demonstration. Water temperature: 90℃, powder amount: 15g, powder water ratio: 1:15, grinding degree: medium fine grinding (Chinese standard No.20 sieve pass rate 75%), soaking time 4 minutes

① Fold the filter paper and put it in the smart cup. Put the smart cup on the container. When wetting the filter paper with hot water, preheat the appliance at the same time.

② moves the smart cup to the electronic scale (when the valve closes automatically), pours the ground coffee into the center of the filter cup, directly injects the 225ml water to make sure the coffee powder is all wet, then close the lid and wait for 4 minutes.

After soaking, move the smart cup to the container and open the valve to filter out the coffee liquid in the filter cup.

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: kaixinguoguo0925

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