Coffee review

The difference between chemex American Pot and hand Pot: the difference between HarioV60 and Chemex and simple Cooking suggestion

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) simple and easy-to-use CHEMEX brewing techniques-misunderstandings about CHEMEX coffee pot today the editor summarized the current mainstream brewing utensils HarioV60 and C

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Simple and easy-to-use CHEMEX brewing technique-misunderstanding of CHEMEX coffee maker

Today, the editor summarizes the differences between Hario V60 and Chemex, which are the mainstream cooking utensils, as well as simple cooking suggestions.

Let's start with filter extraction:

Hario V60

The Hario V60 drip filter cup, which was invented by a combination of chemical, glassware and coffee. The name V60 comes from its 60 °tapered angle, which has been made of ceramic, glass, plastic and metal. The final version of the V60 uses a copper filter cup designed for high thermal conductivity to achieve better extraction with better heat retention.

V60 caters to many variables in coffee making, mainly in the design of these three points:

1. Cone at an angle of 60 degrees: this prolongs the time for the water to flow through the coffee powder to the center.

2. A large filter hole: this allows us to control the flavor of coffee by changing the flow rate of water.

3. Spiral pattern: this allows air to escape upward from all around to maximize the expansion of coffee powder.

Suggestion: the filtering speed of V60 is fast, medium and fine grinding is recommended, and the method of water injection is random, as long as it is uniform enough. Flavor features: bright, clean and refreshing.


This classic Chemex Coffeemake coffee maker with an elegant, smooth and beautiful body has a history of 74 years.

Chemex coffee pot uses the high temperature and corrosion resistant glass flask in the chemistry laboratory as the foundation, it is resistant to high temperature and chemical corrosion, the whole process does not come into contact with the possibility of plasticizer, and the taste of the coffee is clearer and cleaner. The overall shape of Chemex is like a combination of triangular flask and funnel, minimizing the adverse factors in hand-making, fully showing the ultimate flavor of boutique coffee, even beginners can make good coffee.

Because the Chemex filter paper is 20-30% thicker than the general style, and unlike the Japanese filter cup wall with many exhaust ribs, the air flow only depends on the front single exhaust groove, so it is normal to have a higher resistance and slower flow rate. Of course, thick and high-quality filter paper is definitely a major focus of Chemex, because it makes the coffee taste cleaner.

Suggestion: the extraction of Chemex is actually a way between pourover and immersion. The reason why coffee shops in the United States like to use it so much is that Chemex does not need too difficult skills and can be operated like a fool. So, you can steam with Chemex, but you don't have to cut off the water, just inject it at one time.
