Coffee review

What should you pay attention to when using BIALETTI mocha pot for the first time than Letimoka pot explosion?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) families use Italian mocha pot pot coffee brewing process, mocha pot coffee production points for attention! BIALETTI in Bologna bought this mocha pot for two with a body marked as made in Italy. Since I have never used a mocha pot, I refer to 喜悦 's blog.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Home use Italian mocha pot brewing coffee process, mocha pot coffee making notes!

Buy this mocha pot for two at BIALETTI in Bologna, marked Italian on the body. Since I haven't used a mocha pot, I refer to JOY's blog, which explains in detail how to use a mocha pot and the precautions before using it for the first time. Most of the time I used Vietnamese pots with manual bean grinders. Although I drank coffee grounds, I just coveted the speed and convenience of Vietnamese pots. I started using mocha pots with reference to JOY's teaching. The process reminded me of Italians 'slow attitude towards life during my journey. It was probably an invisible souvenir.

Mocha pot is not too troublesome to use, need to grind good coffee powder and heating tools (such as: gas stove, gas stove, black crystal stove, electric stove, can not use induction cooker, microwave oven), in the BIALETTI store also has a heating base model, two people Mocha pot if there is no heating base is 20 euros, there is a heating base model is 69 euros. Mocha pots are a bit like livelihood products, so there are many brands to do, buy branded pots purely for peace of mind. I picked the basic model. The handle material looks easy to clean and is not easy to get sticky.

According to JOY's teaching, before the mocha pot is officially used, it needs to boil water three times and then brew coffee three times. The brewed coffee cannot be drunk. Mocha pot structure as shown below, from left to right are filled with water, coffee powder, coffee containers.

Mocha pot structure, you can refer to the agent's picture.

Photo source: BIALETTI Taiwan agent

Step 1-Step 3: Boil water

I think this step should be to clean and disinfect the mocha pot with hot water and steam. Add water to the safety valve below (I use drinking water), add too much water seems to make it difficult for water vapor to rush up, so can not be greedy. Fill it with water and restore the mocha pot to its assembled state. Although there is no need to put coffee powder, but still have to install the funnel, so that steam can also clean the funnel pipe.

Mocha pot for two people, with my home gas stove with medium and low heat for about two minutes to start steam, and issued a purring sound, slightly open the lid to check whether there is water spray out, no water spray on behalf of the completion.

After boiling water, pour it away, wait for the pot to cool, and then repeat this step, a total of three times boiling water.

You can see that the mocha pot that has been used once has begun to have some marks, and there are some black burn marks inside the pot. Fortunately, some photos have been taken when it is brand new and shiny.

Step 4-Step 6: Make coffee

As in the previous step, first fill the pot with water, and then fill the funnel with coffee powder. I only filled about half of the funnel, because this is also not drinkable, adding too much coffee powder will be a bit painful. After pouring in the coffee powder, press it slightly with a spoon. Then put it on the gas stove and cook it. Just like boiling water, it started to steam after about 2-3 minutes. Open the lid and see that there is no more coffee.

I am curious why I can't drink the first three bubbles, so I try to drink them every time I finish them. I use Mamba beans, the first brew is really strong aroma, coffee brewing when the kitchen is full of coffee aroma, but try a sip, mom, really scratch the mouth! Because the coffee is really strong, it's really hard to scratch. The second bubble is not so terrible, but basically not very good to drink, bitter or very strong, in addition to bitter drink no other taste. The third bubble tasted more docile, a bitter taste suitable for milk, but the aroma was not as strong as the first bubble.

The next morning, I used the Mocha pot to boil the coffee for breakfast. After boiling, I added water to dilute it. This time, the taste was rough and distinct. It was more fragrant than the coffee brewed in the Vietnamese pot and there was no coffee grounds. I might not be able to go back to the Vietnamese pot. Breakfast coffee was heated over a smaller heat, so it boiled about three minutes faster, and I didn't dare leave the gas stove for three minutes because of the tragedy of opening the pot.

The handle melted!

So I think it's better to heat it slowly over low heat, remember not to heat it for too long. However, it seems to be quite common for the handle to be melted. The mocha pot in the owner's house of AIRBNB in Milan was also melted into a mess. In short, it was probably something used. It was inevitable that some traces would be left. If it was to be collected (would anyone collect this?), It's better not to actually use it.

In addition, if the opening of the gas stove frame at home is too wide, you can buy a gas stove auxiliary frame online.