Coffee review

Common coffee beans roaster types and roaster brands introduced from home coffee roasters recommended

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) coffee bean roaster brand_coffee bean roaster price_coffee bean roaster shopping guide In the factors affecting the taste of a cup of coffee, raw beans account for 60%, roasting accounts for 30%, extraction accounts for 10%, good roasting can bring the personality of raw beans to the extreme and minimize defects

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Coffee Roaster Brand_Coffee Roaster Price_Coffee Roaster Shopping Guide

Among the factors affecting the taste of a cup of coffee, raw beans account for 60%, roasting accounts for 30%, extraction accounts for 10%, good roasting can bring the personality of raw beans to the extreme and minimize the appearance of defective taste, so it is particularly important to purchase a high-quality coffee bean roasting machine brand. Coffee roasters on the market are roughly divided into three types:

Direct Fire Roaster

Half Hot Air Roaster

Hot Air Roaster

Commercial coffee roasters are available in a variety of formats. Examples include PROBAT, Diedrich, San Franciscan, Toper, Garanti, Has Garanti, Joper, Proater, Loris, Fuji-Royal and Bonmac. Shanghai, China's three bean guest is also good oh.

direct-fire baking

The boiler surface of the direct-fire baking machine has a perforated design. The holes have a certain size and spacing. The fire below will be directly transmitted to the furnace cabin. It requires a high level of skill on the part of the baker, and very careful adjustment of profit at each stage.


Short preheating time: Compared with hot air and semi-hot air baking machines, the furnace wall of direct fire baking machines is thinner, so the overall average preheating time of boilers is shorter.

The flavor of the manor beans can be expressed with uniqueness: the process of direct fire baking is to transfer heat directly to the raw beans through the fire, that is, the baking method in which heat energy is gradually deepened from the external organization of the raw beans to the internal organization. Therefore, baking straight fire is like cooking dumplings, to carry a few and water, the purpose is to make the inside and outside of the dumplings evenly heated, otherwise the skin is cooked, the filling is not cooked. The same is true for direct fire baking. You can adjust the vitality and damper according to the characteristics of the raw beans, and choose whether to bake at low temperature or high temperature according to the condition of the raw beans. Low temperature baking is suitable for more green bean input, while high temperature baking is suitable for less input.

Suitable for single bean or single bean coffee: Direct fire roasting can express the flavor and aroma of coffee, and the effect is better than hot air or semi-hot air roasting.


It is not easy to adjust the internal heat of the boiler: because the boiler as a whole has a hole design, when the fire provides the first vitality at the bottom of the furnace, the heat will be immediately dissipated from other holes, resulting in insufficient heat. But if the temperature is raised to replenish heat, it will scorch when the profit exceeds the amount of raw beans put in. Therefore, carefully adjust the heat according to the amount of raw beans, and it will be a good product. It is important to confirm when the "yellow dot" appears and when the first burst occurs.

Less uniform baking: direct baking tends to be unevenly heated because the heat stays inside the boiler for insufficient time. In this case, instead of adjusting the firepower, you can adjust the damper. When adjusting the damper, it also depends on whether the weather is high or low. The damper opens more on low pressure days than on high pressure days. Otherwise, the silver skin is not easy to discharge, thus producing more smoke, if the smoke discharge is not complete, the taste and aroma of coffee will be Defeat, there is a Smoky smell.

Susceptible to external influences: External environmental influences Direct fire baking includes: indoor temperature, outdoor temperature, air circulation, weather conditions, ventilation, etc.

semi-hot air baking


This is currently the most popular and best controlled way to roast coffee. It can make up for the shortcomings of direct-fire roasters, improve safety, and easily express the aroma and flavor of coffee.


The temperature inside the boiler is easy to adjust: the firepower of the semi-hot air baking machine is relatively stable, so it is not affected by the external environment. Just adjust the heat, it is very simple to control the fire required for each red bean stage. However, it is different from the treatment method of the direct fire roaster after the beans are exploded. After the explosion, the fire should be concentrated inside the boiler. Even if the fire is weakened, care should be taken not to let the temperature drop, so as to provide sufficient energy for the expansion of raw beans. Therefore, we should pay attention to whether the temperature in the furnace drops after explosion. If the firepower is not enough, we need to add 1 - 2 squares of firepower.

Stable supply of fire, help beans uniform expansion: semi-hot air type is characterized by internal and external organization of raw beans can be heated balance, fire stability. Therefore, the flavor and aroma of coffee beans are relatively stable. Compared with the beans baked by direct fire roaster, the beans baked by semi-hot air are lighter in color at the same baking degree.

Roasting for blended coffee: Semi-hot air machines are more stable if beans of different densities are mixed, because the heat transferred is more evenly distributed. Semi-hot air provides heat to the center of the beans, so even if the density of the beans is not uniform, the heat provided by the bean dryer can be completely absorbed by the beans.

Blending After Roasting: Blending After Roasting

Blending Before Roasting: Blending before roasting.

hot air type

The hot air type bean dryer uses a blower to suck in air, and then let the air pass through a heating coil to raise its temperature. The hot air is used as a heating source to roast coffee beans. The hot air can not only provide the temperature required for roasting, but also use the power of the airflow to stir the coffee beans.

Advantages: high thermal efficiency, fast heating, raw beans heated more evenly, easy to control.

Disadvantages: Because of the high heating efficiency, it is easy to cause the temperature to rise too fast, causing the beans to be "uncooked", and the temperature to rise too high is easy to make the caramelization reaction insufficient.

Taste characteristics: acidity is obvious, taste is relatively clean and simple, but the richness of taste is not enough and lack of depth, and deep baking is easy to produce irritating taste.

Sufficient warm-up time required: Semi-hot air dryers require at least 30 minutes to warm up compared to direct fire. In case of insufficient preheating, roasting, the bean tissue can not expand evenly, resulting in inconsistent color of coffee beans, not to mention the stability of coffee beans flavor and aroma.

The initial fire setting is important: too much fire compared to the amount of green beans in the first endothermic reaction will cause the first explosion to occur earlier. If the endothermic reaction has already begun, it will be difficult to adjust the firepower. Therefore, the distance between the first explosion and the second explosion point is too close to distinguish, and most of the baked beans will be mixed with grass flavor and raw bean flavor, which is caused by the beans not being cooked at all.

Coffee flavor and aroma monotony: compared with direct fire, semi-hot air out of the beans taste single. Only a good baker can make up for this deficiency. A good baker certainly requires a lot of experience and distraction.

Major coffee roaster brands

1. German probat coffee roaster

Old brands, large and medium-sized machines, semi-automatic, fully automatic all kinds of complete, sophisticated design, expensive.

German probat drum baking machine:

Probat has a history of more than 140 years since it produced the first coffee roaster in 1848. The company is located on the border between Germany and the Netherlands, Emmerich, on the Rhine River. Probat is known as the Rolls Royce in the roaster in the coffee industry. Its exquisite shape design does not have to be said here. Simply put, it can express the roaster's thoughts and baking ideas very accurately and delicately. This is just like professional photographers will choose Hasselblad and Leica cameras. You may not know about this device, but the most famous coffee brands in the world use it without exception. (All in all, this is the Rolls Royce of the baking machine, and the price is also very expensive. I guess this kind of machine is like some goddesses in our hearts, hard to touch!)

Taiwan E-train small steel gun

This small household roasting machine Xiaobian asked the barista around him, he said that this small steel gun some coffee beans farmers will take to roast, because the amount of roasting once is relatively small, and the price is relatively cheap, so that roasting can know about the quality of their own beans, but also can not waste beans. However, when Xiaobian looked up information about small steel guns, he also found that some people's evaluation of small steel guns was: suitable for playing. According to Xiao Bian's understanding, this "play" should mean suitable for entry-level players interested in baking research.

Yangjia Pegasus Coffee Roaster

In Taiwan, when it comes to coffee roasters, you can't help but mention the Yang family's Pegasus bean dryer-500g 800N, 1kg class 801N, 4 kg class 803N and other classic models, more than 10 years of production and sales, and the market share of bean roasters in Taiwan is at least 80%. The special cast iron inner pot surpasses the US and Japan models, the gas/natural gas heating stability and sensitivity are high, and the independent cooling fan has excellent cooling effect.

Some netizens commented that this machine is indeed a good structure, resistance, good texture, man-machine control and even better than some foreign machines! In addition, the actual baking effect is stable and controllable! It doesn't compare with American, German or Japanese models just because it's cheaper.

Sandouke Coffee Roaster

Sandouke is an interesting company. It was founded by several engineers who were originally working in the nuclear power and aerospace industries. Sandouke is not like other domestic bakers who only build machines for the sake of making machines. Sandouke added some innovations, or gimmicks, to the baking machine, such as shaftless inner pots, adjustable boilers, and industrial-grade data output solutions. However, there is a clear gap between the actual use of the experience and the publicity effect, some functions are flashy, and some places are still not in place. Overall, in terms of price, workmanship and function, this machine is considered medium level, or not bad.

Actually, there are other brands of baking machines, such as M5, HB, etc. --

Diedrich Roaster Coffee Roaster Infrared Roasting Technology