Coffee review

The difference between cross-strait coffee and Shangdao coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, =="Cross-Strait Coffee Official Website"== Professional Coffee Knowledge Exchange More Coffee Bean Information Please Pay Attention to Coffee Workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) Recently, Hangzhou City Government invited heads of Taiwanese enterprises to hold a symposium to inform them of Hangzhou's economic and social development, but also listen to the opinions of Taiwanese businessmen and exchange views with each other. He served as president of Taiwan Business Association of Hangzhou City and two

"Coffee official website on both sides of the strait"

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Recently, the Hangzhou Municipal Government invited the responsible persons of Taiwan businessmen and enterprises to hold a forum to not only inform them of Hangzhou's economic and social development, but also listen to the views of Taiwan businessmen and exchange views with each other. Yang Jinfa, president of the Hangzhou Taiwan businessmen Association and famous for "cross-strait coffee", Xie Zhitong, chairman of Hangzhou Huatong Furniture Group, Chen Minghu, general manager of Fushan Craft (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd., and more than a dozen Taiwan businessmen introduced the situation of innovation and entrepreneurship, transformation and upgrading at the forum, and put forward suggestions for the development of Hangzhou.

In recent years, a total of 534 Taiwan business enterprises have invested in Hangzhou, with a total investment of 5.011 billion US dollars, of which Chinese mainland has more than 800 branches, of which about 100 are directly operated stores. It is not only a well-known Taiwanese catering chain brand, but also a "well-known trademark in China." In the eight years of ○○, the world's largest investment bank, Goldman Sachs Group and Watson Capital Investment Company, also invested US $30 million in Cross-Strait Coffee, with a 22% stake.

Focusing on the domestic business opportunities of the rising middle class in the mainland, Yang Jinfa, who won the second Outstanding Taiwan Business chain Benchmarking Award in 2014, developed direct stores in four major cities, including Hangzhou, Wuhan, Chongqing, and Beijing, while other provinces and cities expanded in the form of authorization, while extending brands such as "cross-strait stacks". This business strategy allows customers to target "cross-strait coffee" for white-collar business people, with revenue exceeding 3.2 billion yuan last year.

Lose all the advantages and think about the transformation

Yang Chin-fa, currently president of the Hangzhou Taiwan Merchants Association, has been committed to helping Taiwan manufacturers who encounter bottlenecks to transform into the service industry. "it is through constant communication that mutual trust can be established between people, and this is true of friends, business partners, and so on both sides of the strait," he said. " According to his estimation, there will be no problem with the development of the service industry for 50 years. The most important thing is that Taiwan businessmen have great opportunities with the convenience of the same language and the advantage of being good at copywriting packaging.

As a matter of fact, he personally moved westward to the mainland in the 1999 ○'s and started as a manufacturing industry. however, after the mainland's macro-control in 1996 and 1997, Yang Chin-fa found that there was a problem. Local people buy bigger machines and equipment and compete at lower prices. "Taiwan businessmen have no advantage at all, and I began to think about transformation." He said.

At that time, by coincidence, he went to Hangzhou and took a fancy to the beauty of the West Lake. coupled with the fact that the house price in Hangzhou was very cheap, the house price in Hangzhou was only RMB 2,000 yuan per square meter. at an exchange rate of less than NT $4 at that time, it was about NT $24000 per ping, which was as cheap as house prices in Taiwan in the 1960s. As a result, he settled down to invest in real estate and actively bought buildings and stores.

Yang Jinfa told Vision magazine: "at that time, you didn't have to do anything. It was enough to buy a house and wait for it to go up tenfold or 20 times."

Changing careers requires decisive decision-making, and when he was careful at that time, he found that many overseas guests often complained that it was difficult to find a classy western restaurant during business negotiations. He thought that it would be better to enter the catering industry and embrace the huge business opportunities of the mainland's service industry.

Yang Jinfa said that economic take-off and business demand are the biggest forces supporting the development of the catering industry in the mainland. "when the Hangzhou store first opened, most of the 'cross-strait coffee' were Taiwan businessmen looking for local Zhejiang businessmen to do business. now, more than 90% of the stores are local businessmen from the mainland."

Synchronous development of primary and secondary brands

Today, the number of coffee on both sides of the strait is growing at a rate of nearly 100 a year, and is now replicating the central kitchen, training school, coffee bean factory and logistics and distribution system located in Hangzhou headquarters to three core cities, including Beijing, Wuhan, and Chongqing, and then radiate the surrounding area. In the four major regions, including franchise stores, each store holds weekly meetings once a week, monthly meetings are held in each region, and management meetings are held in headquarters and regions twice a month. In addition to reviewing the work that needs to be improved, it is also used to achieve unified and standardized management.

Yang Jinfa said that in the future, the main and deputy brands will develop synchronously, and after the main brand "cross-strait coffee" has developed steadily in the mainland, it will begin to develop into Southeast Asia and the United States. Sub-brands such as "Cross-Strait Stack" provide drinks such as coffee and Fresh Juice, as well as light foods such as sandwiches, pizza and spaghetti. In addition, exhibitors are selected in the concentrated area of the office building or in the food section of the department store.

Running the catering industry is most worried about food safety. Yang Jinfa said: "Food safety is the foundation of the catering industry. We must be responsible to our customers and live up to our conscience." There was an uproar over the outbreak of problematic oil products in Taiwan, but the coffee on both sides of the strait survived without any impact, says Yang Chin-fa, because he has always put food safety in the first place. After all, for the catering industry, "no safety is equal to zero." The chain stores of cross-strait coffee, which are high-end consumers, have always been generous in using high-cost ingredients, and the brand has been in operation for more than a decade, winning the trust of customers.

In addition to strictly checking the quality of ingredients, in order to take care of the needs of business people who target coffee on both sides of the strait, many stores also provide projection and printing of documents. Yang Chin-fa says that this is the so-called "service." He believes that through these additional services, cross-strait coffee has even replaced the offices of some small enterprises, and any need for negotiations can be conducted directly in cross-strait coffee shops.

Take culture as the element

Real-time management do it by yourself

Since the development of real-time social software Line and WeChat (Wechat), many business executives have set up groups to convey instructions. Yang Jinfa, which has more than 800 branches in Chinese mainland, is also managed through "Wechat." different departments, store managers, and even bartenders at the bar have their own "WeChat groups" to keep abreast of the operation of each store. Once something happens, instructions will be given through various ways to ensure the provision of quality service to customers.

"if the service is done well, the guests will be relatively stable." Yang Jinfa said that as a result, he sets high standards for every store, whether it's food, store decoration or service. The words Yang Jinfa most often said to his employees were "persistence" and "one step at a time", and he also put it into practice. Whenever he plans to set up a new store, he always does it himself and is sure to be there to confirm the details.

The impression of Yang Jinfa by the media on both sides of the strait is that he is light and very close to the people. in the shops where business customers come and go, he may not be recognized as the chairman at a glance.

Customer quality is more important than quantity.

A reporter once asked him that his regular customers were stable and how to attract new customers. Yang Jinfa said that the West Lake in Hangzhou is his best publicity stage. Hangzhou, where tourists exceeded 70 million last year and continues to grow at 5% a year, is bustling with tourists. There are nine coffee shops on both sides of the strait around the West Lake, and you can easily see the signboard of coffee on both sides of the strait. It's the best publicity.

In fact, according to the domestic China Times, Yang Jinfa is proud of Chinese traditional culture from the bottom of his heart. Therefore, when he manages cross-strait coffee, what is on his mind is how to seamlessly combine the romantic culture of coffee and western food with Chinese culture.

According to the report, the beautiful scenery, decoration, color, small bridge and flowing water, lotus peach blossoms and other flower arrangements of the West Lake in Hangzhou are all the cultural tone of the decoration of coffee on both sides of the strait. The store decoration elements that he attaches importance to, red sofas and red lanterns are visual highlights. The "four beauties" series of drinks and "Chinese national flower peony" tableware are all derived from Chinese cultural elements.

With the rise of e-commerce in the mainland, the reporter asked him whether he would consider using the Internet to promote sales and attract new customers. Yang Jinfa said that for high-end catering consumers, the most important thing is still the actual on-site experience. It may be possible to increase customers through short-term promotions, but he believes that customers'"quality" is far more important than "quantity". Moreover, in the future, Chinese mainland will be the same as the United States, and the proportion of the entire service industry in GDP will become larger and larger. The proportion of the service industry in the United States is 70%, but China is still less than 50% at present, and there is still considerable room for growth in the future.

But he also agrees that the Internet is a good tool for young people in Taiwan to start a business, and if there are good products and good ideas that can promote their own advantages through the Internet, he is happy to help young people who want to start a business.

Small file

Yang Jinfa, born in April 1958, chairman of cross-strait coffee and president of Hangzhou Taiwan Merchants Association.

After graduating from high school, he began to work hard. 27 years ago, he joined Chinese mainland to engage in the textile industry and opened a zipper factory. In his heyday, he had nearly 10,000 employees, ranked first in sales and operating income, and was known as the "zipper king of the world".

In 1997, the Asian financial crisis broke out, and although the factory was not seriously affected, he, who had a keen intuition about the development of the situation, decided to transform and enter the service industry.

Yang Jinfa opened his first coffee shop in Hangzhou in March 2001. although he lives next to Chinese mainland, he believes that "American fast food culture will never become the mainstream of Starbucks." Chinese people prefer a cultural diet, and a slow drink by the scenic West Lake will be a really popular choice. "

In 2003, he founded cross-strait coffee. Up to now, there are 800 stores in the mainland, and the exhibition stores are still growing. He called out the goal of 5,000 exhibition stores in 10 years, and won the "well-known trademark in China" for its high quality.