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Starbucks official website, what is Starbucks Zhenxuan store?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (official Wechat account cafe_style) Zhenxuan shop presents the best coffee and exquisite baked snacks in a space similar to the market, creating a space with vitality and intimacy for consumers. Liz Muller, senior vice president of global design and creativity at Starbucks. At this point, Starbucks is essentially

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Zhenxuan store presents the best coffee and exquisite baked snacks in a space similar to the market, creating a space with both vitality and intimacy for consumers. " Liz Muller, senior vice president of global design and creativity at Starbucks.

At this point, Starbucks essentially has two types of stores: ordinary fast food stores and selected stores that focus on the high-end market. As a high-end Starbucks brand, Zhenxuan has three store forms: Reserve store, Reserve bar and Roastery.

Zhenxuan Bakery (Roastery) is Starbucks' highest-equipped store. At present, there are only two stores in the world, which are opened in Shanghai (which opened in 2017) and Seattle (which opened in 2015), both of which are independent stores. The bakery store, which opened in Shanghai last December, is a separate space with an area of 2700 square meters and has an attractive commercial location.

Zhenxuan Coffee Shop (Reserve bar), which runs in Starbucks stores, is more like a special counter in the store, offering high-end hand-made coffee with a unit price of between 30 and 60 yuan.

In 2017, the number of Starbucks stores in the United States surpassed McDonald's for the first time. Starbucks has turned to a higher-end business amid fears that too many stores will increase operating costs and reduce profit margins. Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson calls Princi Bakery, Zhenxuan Bakery and Zhenxuan Bakery as its Siren retail division, hoping to maintain a leading innovation in the high-end coffee industry.

Howard, the founder and chairman who left CEO last April. Schultz is actually in charge of Starbucks' high-end projects. He believes that the new Zhenxuan store will reconnect Starbucks and consumers, and the effects of this new relationship will even benefit other businesses.

The same view may also be held by Nestle, which sells instant coffee. Last September, Nestl é bought about 68 per cent of Blue Bottle Coffee for $425 million. And Blue Bottle is one of the best-known brands in this wave of boutique coffee.

Starbucks plans to open 1000 such Reserve store stores around the world, far exceeding its target of 20 to 30 Roastery stores, which are larger and more targeted. In the Shanghai Kerry Center Shopping Mall, a Zhenxuan store has also been renovated.

This is actually the expansion plan put forward at the Starbucks investors' meeting in December 2016. In addition to high-end coffee shops, Starbucks plans to move its acquired high-end bakery brand Princi to New York and Tokyo in 2019.