Coffee review

Starbucks coffee beans grade which Starbucks coffee tastes better? Characteristics of coffee beans in Kenya

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Starbucks Premium Columbia Narino ColombiaNarinoSupremos is Colombia's best coffee province, medium concentration, smooth taste

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

There are 13 types of coffee beans in Starbucks, some of which are individual coffee beans, such as Kenya, Guatemala, Ethiopia, etc., and some are mixed, such as Italian mix, breakfast mix, etc., each with its own flavor. Starbucks coffee beans are deeply roasted, while Qianjie coffee is just the opposite, and most of the individual coffee beans in the store are medium-and light-roasted.

Why did Starbucks choose beans from Kenya, Guatemala and Ethiopia? In this article, Qianjie Coffee will talk to you about Starbucks Coffee.

This is how Starbucks describes Kenyan coffee beans: the distinctive grapefruit and blackcurrant flavor of the region, this coffee has bright juice acidity, soft wine-like mellow and fruity flavor.

Qianjie Coffee further introduces Kenyan Coffee to you. In fact, what Starbucks wants to say is that Kenyan coffee tastes sour, and this kind of acidity tends to the acidity of grapes, which is very suitable for coffee lovers who like sour coffee.

Qianjie Coffee also agrees, and it is true that Kenyan coffee beans are more sour than those in other Central American or Asian regions. Front Street Coffee comes from many coffee producing countries, such as Brazil, Colombia, Honduras, Guatemala and so on, with at least 50 coffee producing areas, and Kenya is one of them.

However, there are a lot of Kenyan coffee beans in front street coffee, but not many of them can meet the standard of front street coffee. Qianjie Coffee will start with different varieties from the same part of Kenya and find out what their flavors are different or what they have in common. Or the similarities and differences of the same varieties in the same region, whether this coffee bean can represent the flavor of Kenya, and if so, what is the difference from the Kenyan coffee beans on the front street coffee shelves? after a variety of experiments and conjecture verification, this coffee bean will be on the shelf, which is the only way for every coffee bean on the front street coffee shelf.

Kenyan coffee beans have been sifted through the front street coffee, and there are three Kenyan coffee beans on the front street coffee, namely, Kenya Azaria, Sassini Manor Coffee beans and Kenya Jiachasha Coffee beans. These three coffee beans are very suitable for coffee lovers who like fresh and sour taste, but Front Street Coffee prefers the acidity of Azaria's coffee beans. The overall flavor of this Azaria coffee is the sour taste of black plum, virgin fruit and Brin, which is very distinctive.

The acidity of Kenyan coffee is largely determined by topography, soil and climatic conditions. for example, coffee beans in Africa are sour than those in America and Asia, so if you like the sour taste, you can first consider coffee beans from Africa. In addition, coffee treatment can also determine the taste of some coffee.

For example, the coffee area of Kenya uses washing treatment to treat raw coffee beans, but this washing treatment is different from that introduced by Qianjie Coffee, which is also a major feature of Kenya. Kenyan water washing treatment, also known as K72 treatment.

Compared with Central American water washing, Kenyan water washes are washed three times and fermented in water for 24 hours before drying. In normal washing treatment, it is usually enough to ferment in water for 18 hours, but Kenya ferments for a total of 72 hours. Kenya K72 hour treatment is in the basic water washing treatment on the fermentation steps are different, K72 hours is 24 hours after the first fermentation, and then change a large amount of water, and then fermentation for 24 hours, and then continue to ferment for 24 hours, a total of three cycles, after the completion of fermentation, the drying step can be carried out as far as possible.

For example, Ethiopia is also a very famous boutique coffee producing area in Africa. In the front street coffee mentioned above, Starbucks has a single coffee bean that comes from Ethiopia. The Yega Sheffei producing area in Ethiopia also uses water washing treatment, but unlike the water washing treatment in Kenya, it is only washed once.

Many friends will hesitate in these two producing areas which coffee will taste better sour. When Qianjie Coffee tests the water-washed beans in Yega Chefe area, for example, Qianjie Coffee Fruit Tintin is a very classic Yega Xuefei water-washed bean, its acid quality is stronger than that in Kenya, and it is more acidic than that of lemon, citrus and berries.

There is also a hint of jasmine when brewing, and many people will choose Ethiopian coffee beans as an entry point, because the coffee flavor inside is very recognizable.

Which one should we order when we go to Starbucks? If you really don't know, you can order Kenya this time and Ethiopian coffee next time. Just try it!

Another producing area on Starbucks' bean list is Guatemala. Qianjie Coffee is also very impressed by this producing area. Guatemala coffee bean flavor is very unique, in addition to high-quality acid, there is a unique sense of smoke to make the Guatemalan coffee bean flavor level more distinct.

Of the seven rations beans on the front street coffee shelves, one is from the Vivette Nan fruit region of Guatemala. This coffee bean, which is very characteristic of Guatemalan coffee, has the acidity of nuts, berries and citrus in the mouth as well as the smoky feeling of Guatemala.

Qianjie Coffee believes that Guatemalan water washing is one of the reasons why Guatemalan coffee beans taste clean and sour. The acid of the washed Guatemalan coffee beans will be brighter, the fragrance of white flowers will be more prominent, and the smoky flavor of the coffee beans will be weakened.

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: kaixinguoguo0925