Coffee review

How to use the office coffee machine to teach the coffee machine how to make coffee and how to maintain it?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) the following are some useful tips for maintaining the good operation of the coffee machine and answering simple questions and frequently asked questions. How to maintain the coffee machine working well and avoid using tap water as much as possible. We recommend using pure water to avoid the use of filters and descaling work. Build

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Here are some useful tips for maintaining the good operation of the coffee maker and answering simple questions and frequently asked questions.

How to maintain the coffee machine working well

Avoid using tap water as much as possible. We recommend using pure water to avoid the use of filters and descaling work.

It is recommended that the coffee machine use a separate socket.

Be sure to follow the cleaning instructions and ensure the use and application of appropriate materials and procedures.

Clean and operate the coffee machine every day.

Make sure to clean the mouth of the milk foaming tube after use to avoid bacterial growth or blockage.

Clean the coffee grinder regularly to avoid blockage.

The coffee machine must be turned off for at least 5 hours a day.

common problem

Why didn't I respond when I pressed the ON/OFF button?

Please make sure the coffee machine is plugged in and properly turned on.

Why is there only a small amount of coffee dripping?

Your coffee may be ground too young, or brew container dirt. Try to grind the coffee thicker and clean the coffee brewer.

Why is my coffee so light?

Maybe there's not enough coffee powder. Try to increase the amount of coffee powder to increase the flavor.

Why can't I blister when I steam the milk?

May have used inappropriate milk. We recommend using full-fat frozen milk whenever possible.

The flow of milk is abnormal. What should I do?

Milk valves or straws may be blocked. Clean straws and carry out milk tube cleaning procedures.

Is there a problem with the loud noise of the grinder?

There may be something stuck in the grinder. If this happens, please call our maintenance department for help.

What should I do if a mechanical failure message appears on the display screen?

There may be internal mechanical failure, please call for help immediately.