Coffee review

The effect of filtering the quality of coffee on coffee flavor.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, With the rising awareness of environmental protection, some manufacturers have begun to develop metal filters to save the use of one piece of filter paper at a time. As long as they are cleaned after use and can be reused next time, they are made of stainless steel and are durable and strong. It is recommended to use a clean toothbrush after use, coupled with edible baking soda powder to remove oil, so that the next brewing taste will not be affected. It is also quite tolerable to buy.

Metal coffee strainer

With the rise of environmental awareness, some manufacturers have begun to develop metal filters, eliminating the need to use filter paper one piece at a time. As long as it is cleaned after use and can be reused next time, it is also durable and strong made of stainless steel. It is recommended to use a clean toothbrush after use, coupled with edible baking soda powder to remove oil, so that the next brewing taste will not be affected. It is also quite easy to buy, and can be found in many coffee shops and online shopping platforms. The metal coffee filter can also extract the oil, which will be thicker and closer to the original taste of the coffee beans, and can be different from the filter paper in the blind test.

Advantages: it is more environmentally friendly and can be reused through rinsing; it can drink the original taste of coffee and has a thick taste.

Disadvantages: the fine powder is easy to cause excessive extraction and lead to excessive bitterness; the fine powder will pass through the strainer into the coffee and may have a dregs taste.

Flannel filter cloth, Siphon siphon filter cloth, Chemex hand punch filter cloth

Coffee filter cloth

Usually used in flannel filter cloth, Chemex hand flushing pot, Siphon siphon type, the more troublesome is cleaning and preservation, if you do not really clean the grease on the filter cloth, over time will affect the taste, after washing, you still need to soak water and store in the refrigerator, can not be used many times a day, is a more troublesome point. On the other hand, the coffee taste is between metal and filter paper, balancing the advantages of both.

Advantages: the fiber is thicker than filter paper, and the grease will stick to make water and coffee have longer contact and fusion.

Disadvantages: it is not easy to save, it takes time and labor, and more practice and skills are needed.

Suggestion: filter cloth cleaning and preservation need to be done, otherwise there may be rag smell, it is recommended to use baking soda powder to clean when available, while flannel filter cloth has better permeability and insulation, brewing coffee aroma and taste are called saturated and rich.

Comparison of three filtering methods

All three have their own advantages and disadvantages, not which one is particularly good, and the filter paper is only a small part of coffee brewing, and there are many influencing factors. Friends who like the original taste of coffee may be able to make more reference to filter cloth and metal filter screen to retain oil and original taste, while friends who like clean and refreshing taste can use filter paper, and the taste of each kind of filter paper is different because of the different flow rate. You can try a few more. This article introduces the advantages and disadvantages of three kinds of coffee, but in fact, if you like to drink coffee, you can try all three ways, choose your own suitable and favorite utensils, and brew a cup of coffee that belongs to you. For more professional coffee exchanges, please scan the code and follow Wechat: FrontStreetCoffee