Coffee review

The types and characteristics of Coffee Daquan Coffee is not just a Beverage Coffee

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) coffee, it is really just a drink just people who drink it, too complicated! Coffee belongs to the evergreen shrub of the genus Rubiaceae. There are about 125 species of plants under the genus Coffea, distributed in the subgenus Coffeae (25 in Africa and 55 in Madagascar).

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Coffee, really just a drink, just the people who drink it, too complicated!

Classification of coffee

Coffee is an evergreen shrub belonging to the genus Coffea of Rubiaceae. There are about 125 species of plants under the branch of Coffea, distributed in the subgenus Coffeae (25 in Africa and 55 in Madagascar, Muscarene and Comoros Islands) and 7 species in the subgenus Baracoffeae.

There are only three types of coffee that have commercial value--

·Coffea Arabica, Coffea canephora (also known as Coffea Robusta), and Coffea Liberica, these three varieties are called "coffee three original species."

Arabica accounts for about 70% of world production, and fine coffee is in high demand;

Robusta species accounted for 27%, mainly used for instant, canned coffee, caffeine

twice as much as Arabi;

Liberian species are not popular worldwide because they are not tolerant to leaf rust and have poor flavor. They are only traded domestically in Suriname, Liberia and Cote d'Ivoire in West Africa.

Heirloom is a wild breed!

Java is a selection of Gesha landrace Abysinia!


Mocha is Bourbon Mutation!

Elephant bean

Arabica coffee

Subgroup Typica

Variety group Bourbon

Breed group Geisha

Subspecies (group) Typica Hybrid varieties

Sumatra, Bergendal, Rume Sudan, Amarello de Botocatú, Blawan Paumah

mutant variety

Criollo, Kent, Maragogipe, Pache Común, Villalobos, Blue Mountain, San Ramón, Mokka, Arabigo, São Bernando, Pluma Hidago, Garundang, Chickumalgu, Creole, Villasarchi.

Variety (group) Bourbon hybrid variety

N39, Maraguez, Arusha, Jackson, K20, K7, Kenya Selected(K.S), SL3.

mutant variety

Caturra, Pacas, Pointu, Semperflorens, SL34, Tekisic.

Subspecies (group) Typica hybrid interspecific hybrid

Kalimas, Kawisari, S795, S288.(× C. liberica),

Aria, Bogor Prada, Devamachy, Icatú (Cartimor x Catuai)。

(× C. canephora)  Sarchimor

(Villa Sarchi × Catimor)

Subspecies (group) Typica hybrid intraspecific hybrid

Acaiá, Mondo Novo.( Sumatra × red Bourbon ) Pache Colis ( Pache Común × Caturra )

Catimor ( Cauvery, ICAFE 95, Lempira, Oro Azteca, Colombia, IHCAFE 90) ( Caturra × HdT ),

Catuaí Amarillo, Garnica.( Mundo Novo × Yellow Caturra )

Maracatu ( Maragogipe × Caturra ), Ouro Verde ( red Catuaí × Acaiá ), Pacamara ( Maragogipe × Pacas ), Sarchimo IAPAR 95 ( HdT × Villasarchi ) Rasuna

interspecific hybrid variety

A variety derived from a cross between Arabica and Robusta


Timor is an interspecific natural hybrid of Arabica and Robusta, also known as Tim Tim or Bor Coffee, with 44 chromosomes, hence Arabica Coffee, discovered in Timor, Indonesia in the 1940s, highly resistant to leaf rust-the most widely used rust resistant germplasm Hibri de Timor (HdT), cold tolerant and high yielding-thick tree body, strong trunk and drooping branches allow nutrients to be dispersed efficiently.

Timo coffee has a medium to full broad flavor and is full of life

It has a strong and low-key acidity. Occasionally occurs during harvesting and processing.

mold and certain defects.


interspecific hybrid variety

A variety derived from a cross between Arabica and Robusta

[Catimor] Catimo

A hybrid of Caturra and Timer. It was discovered in Portugal in 1959. The palate is clearly distinguishable, bitter acid with a bit of astringency, often salty aftertaste, in the Timo family there is a low acidity and high bitterness of Robusta influence, with spicy herbal and fruit peel aromas. It has high planting density and strong resistance to leaf rust, making it a high-yield variety. Oro Azteca is a dwarf selection.

Catimor was grown extensively in Latin America on the advice of agricultural experts, but over the course of a decade their advice proved wrong because coffee farmers could not sell their beans at the right price.

interspecific hybrid variety

A variety derived from a cross between Arabica and Robusta

[Oro Azteca Catimor] Golden Azteca Catimo

Time hybrid 832/1 is a hybrid of Caturra. Mexico's INIFAP was selected by genealogy. Short, green top, high yield, small and medium bean, medium cup. Planting densities such as Caturra,5000- 6000 plants/ha, high nutrient requirements, low resistance to leaf rust, berry disease and nematode. It is suitable for planting at an altitude of 600- 1200 meters. Density similar to Caturra 5000- 6000 plants per hectare.

interspecific hybrid variety

A variety derived from a cross between Arabica and Robusta

【Costa Rica 95 Catimor】

Timor hybrid 832/1 is a hybrid of Caturra. The ICAFE Coffee Institute in Costa Rica selects and breeds them by genealogy. Dwarf, brown-topped, high-yielding, small and medium-sized beans, poor cup quality. Planting densities such as Caturra,5000- 6000 plants/ha, high nutrient requirements, low resistance to leaf rust, berry disease and nematode. Suitable for planting in 600--1200 meters above sea level acid soil.

interspecific hybrid variety

A variety derived from a cross between Arabica and Robusta.

 【T5175 Catimor】

Timor hybrid 832/1 is a hybrid of Caturra. ICAFE Coffee Institute in Costa Rica selected by genealogy but not released for commercial production. Dwarf, dark brown top, high yield, small and medium-sized beans, poor cup quality. Planting densities such as Caturra, 4000- 5000 plants/ha, very high nutrient requirements, low resistance to leaf rust, susceptibility to pulp fruit disease and nematodes. It is suitable for planting at an altitude of 600- 1000 meters.

interspecific hybrid variety

A variety derived from a cross between Arabica and Robusta.

【IHCAFE 90 Catimor】

Timor hybrid 832/1 is a hybrid of Caturra. The IHCAFE Coffee Institute in Honduras was selected and bred by genealogy. Dwarf, dark brown top, high yield, small and medium-sized beans, poor cup quality. Planting densities such as Caturra,4000- 5000 plants/ha, very high nutrient requirements, low resistance to leaf rust, berry disease and nematode. Suitable for planting in 600--1000 meters above sea level acid soil. Similar to T5175.

interspecific hybrid variety

A variety derived from a cross between Arabica and Robusta.

【Lempira Catimor】

Timor hybrid 832/1 is a hybrid of Caturra. The IHCAFE Coffee Institute in Honduras was selected and bred by genealogy. Short, brown-topped, high-yielding, small and medium-sized beans, cup products in the lower. Planting density such as Caturra, 5000- 6000 plants/ha, high nutrient requirements, low resistance to leaf rust, berry disease and nematode. Suitable for planting in 600--1000 meters above sea level acid soil. It is similar to Costa Rica 95.

interspecific hybrid variety

A variety derived from a cross between Arabica and Robusta.

Catisic Catimor

Time hybrid 832/1 is a hybrid of Caturra. El Salvador's PROMECAFE Coffee Institute ISIC bred. Dwarf, brown-topped, high-yielding, small and medium-sized beans, poor cup quality. Planting density such as Caturra , 5000- 6000 plants/ha, high nutrient requirements, low resistance to leaf rust, berry disease and nematode. Suitable for planting in 600--1200 meters above sea level acid soil. It is similar to Costa Rica 95.

interspecific hybrid variety

A variety derived from a cross between Arabica and Robusta

Colombia also known as Variedad Colombia

Sweet, bright, intense aromas of caramel and chocolate. A hybrid of Caturra and Timer, resistant to leaf rust and highly productive, making it popular on small farms, developed in Colombia. Unlike Catimor this variety is a variety of combinations of many progeny. Castillo is the best choice.

interspecific hybrid variety

A variety derived from a cross between Arabica and Robusta.

【Marsellesa Sarchimor 】

The hybrid of Timer Hybrid 832/2 x Villa Sarchi CIFC 971/10, selected by genealogy from ECOM-CIRAD in Nicaragua, is short, green-topped, medium-small grain, fairly high yield, high nutrient requirement, resistance to leaf rust and heart borer, resistance to coffee berry disease, susceptibility to nematodes. High acidity in the glass.

Marsellesa Sarchimor

Suitable planting altitude 600--1200 meters, planting density such as Caturra,5000--6000 plants/hectare. Marsellesa Sarchimor is quite resistant to leaf rust and Chilo suppressalis because of its relationship with Timor, except Costa Rica, which is also produced in India.

interspecific hybrid variety

A variety derived from a cross between Arabica and Robusta

【Obata Rojo Sarchimor 】

Hybrid of Timer Hybrid 832/2 x Villa Sarchi CIFC 971/10, selected by IAC in Brazil in 2000 by genealogy, commercially released by ICAFE in Costa Rica in 2014, short, green top, large seeds, fairly high yield, medium cup, high nutrient requirements, low resistance to leaf rust. Suitable for planting at an altitude of 600- 1200 meters.

interspecific hybrid variety

A variety derived from a cross between Arabica and Robusta

【Cuscatleco Sarchimor】

The hybrid variety T5296 (Timor Hybrid 832amp2 x Villa Sarchi) was bred by the PROMECAFE Coffee Institute in El Salvador. Dwarf, planting density such as Caturra,5000--6000 plant per hectare, cup grade medium. It has low resistance to leaf rust and nematodes, and its yield is equal to Caturra. It is suitable for planting at an altitude of 600 MULTHI 1200 meters.

Interspecific hybrid variety

A variety from the cross between Arabica and Robusta

 [Parainema Sarchimor]

The hybrid variety of T5296 (Timor Hybrid 832amp2 x Villa Sarchi) was selected by pedigree method at IHCAFE Coffee Research Institute in Honduras. Dwarf, planting density such as Caturra,5000--6000 plant per hectare, large beans, medium cup. It has low resistance to leaf rust and nematode, moderate tolerance to berry disease, and medium yield such as Caturra. It is suitable for planting at an altitude of 600 MULTHI 1200 meters.

Interspecific hybrid variety

A variety from the cross between Arabica and Robusta

 [IAPAR 59 Sarchimor]

The hybrid variety of Timor Hybrid 832ap2 x Villa Sarchi was selected by the IAPAR Institute in Brazil by pedigree method. Dwarf, planting density such as Caturra, 5000 murmur6000 plants per hectare, brown top, middle and lower cup. It has low resistance to leaf rust and nematode, susceptible to berry disease (CBD), medium yield, such as high nutrient requirement of Caturra, and is suitable for planting at an altitude of 800m / 1200m.

Interspecific hybrid variety

A variety from the cross between Arabica and Robusta

 [T5296 Sarchimor]

The hybrid selection of Timor Hybrid 832ap2 x Villa Sarchi, the Brazilian PROMECAFE was selected by pedigree method, but it was not released because the offspring were unstable. Green top, dwarf, planting density such as Caturra,5000--6000 plant per hectare, large beans, medium cup. It has low resistance to leaf rust, moderate tolerance to berry disease (CBD), medium yield such as Caturra, high nutrient demand, and suitable for planting at an altitude of 600 Mel 1200 m.

Interspecific hybrid variety

A variety derived from a cross between Araby Karobsta and a wild species.

[Centroamerica H1]

Sarchimor T5296 x wild Rume Sudan hybrid variety, dwarf, green top, planting density such as bourbon, 3000mur4000 plants per hectare, large bean grains, low resistance to leaf rust, susceptible to nematodes, resistant to coffee berry disease, extremely high yield. The cup is medium and high in acidity. The demand for nutrients is extremely high. It is suitable for planting at 800m / m above sea level.

A variety derived from a cross between Araby Karobsta and a wild species.

[Milenio H10]

Sarchimor T5296 x wild Rume Sudan hybrid variety, dwarf, green top, planting density 4000 murmur5000 plants per hectare, large bean grains, low resistance to leaf rust, susceptible to nematodes, resistant to coffee berry disease, extremely high yield. The cup is good in taste and high in acidity. It is suitable for planting at 800m / m above sea level.

Interspecific hybrid variety

A variety derived from a cross between Araby Karobsta and a wild species.

[Mundo Maya EC16]

Sarchimor T5296 x the hybrid variety of Ethiopian wild species ET01, ECOM-CIRAD of Nicaragua is selected by F1, dwarf, brown top, planting density 4000 Murray 5000 plants per hectare, large bean grains, cup taste is very good. Low resistance to leaf rust and nematodes, resistance to coffee berry disease, high yield and high nutrient demand. It is suitable for planting at an altitude of 800muri 1500 meters above sea level.

Interspecific hybrid variety

A variety derived from a cross between Araby Karobsta and a wild species.

[Nayarita EC19]

Naryelis x hybrid of Ethiopian wild species ET26, ECOM-CATIE of Nicaragua is selected by F1, Naryelis is a descendant of Timor Hybrid, dwarf, green top, planting density 3000Murray 4000 plants per hectare, large in bean grains, cup is very good. Susceptible to leaf rust and nematodes, quite resistant to coffee berry disease, high yield and high nutrient demand. Suitable for planting above 1200 meters above sea level.

A variety evolved from the Arabica species

 [Typica] Tibica

The varieties closest to the original species are native to Kaffa and Yemen in Ethiopia. An ancestor of all varieties, Typica has been cultivated, hybridized and refined for hundreds of years. The overall quality of the cup is excellent, showing excellent purity and consistency, with lemon sour taste and sweet aftertaste. Brown-topped, large and slightly longer beans, like elongated eggs, known as Arabigo or criollo in Central America. The resistance to leaf rust, berry disease and nematode is low, which makes it difficult to take care of, the amount of plant seed is low, coupled with a long harvest period (harvest every two years), the yield is low. Planting density such as 3000 Murray 4000 plants per hectare in bourbon.

[Typica] Tibica

The tree is 3-4 meters high, conical in shape, and the angle between the trunk and branches is about 50-70 degrees. The leaves are narrow and bronzed. Berries are more oval than other varieties.

Typica has been genetically evolved, and many variants are generally considered to be new varieties that are more adaptable to the surrounding environment and produce new characteristics. For example, Mercigo Typica is slightly different from Hawaii Typica, so it has different names: Criollo (South America), Arabigo (America), Kona (Hawaii), Pluma Hidalgo (Mexico), Garundang (Sumatra), Blue Mountain (Yomaiga, Papua New Guinea) S ã o Bernado & San Ram ó n (Brazil). Kent and Chickumalgu (India).



Clean and sweet

Interspecific hybrid variety

A hybrid between Arabica and Daguo coffee

Local name: Jember Renbo

This variety was bred in India in 1940s by crossing Kent (Typica selection, tall, high yield, extremely resistant to leaf rust) and big fruit coffee (Coffea Liberica). 1955 the Indonesian caffeine and Cocoa Institute (ICCRI), named Ren Bo, is widely grown in India and Indonesia, Yemen and Ethiopia. There was some resistance to coffee leaf rust, but the resistance decreased with time. It tastes like maple syrup or brown sugar.

S795 Jember Renbo fruit branches and tree posture

S795 Jember Flower and Fruit

A variety derived from Arabica.

[Villalobos] Vera Robles

This is a branch of the Typica family with elegant floral and sometimes citrus flavours. The variety was brought to Indonesia by Dutch merchants in the late 17th century. We like its subtle and exquisite acidity. Lobos manor beans have strong aromas of stone fruits, such as apricots, peaches and plums.

A variety  [Bourbon] bourbon evolved from Arabica species

The mutant variety from Typica, like Typica, is currently the closest to the original species. Bourbon spread from southwestern Ethiopia to Yemen and was brought to Bourbon Island (now Niwan) from Yemen in 1715 and 1718. Bourbon produces 20% more fruit than Typica.

 [Bourbon] bourbon

Some coffee experts think it's nothing special that Bourbon is just a natural variant of Typica! But in fact, Bourbon has its own special color, and Typica has the same high-quality taste, like the sour taste of red wine, the aftertaste is so complex, so delicate, this is the Pinot Noir of coffee. Plants are fragile and do not produce as much fruit as other varieties, but they are worth the effort. Bourbon-type cups are rich and classic. It is the coffee in coffee. Its charm has been well received by both strict critics and beginners. Typica and Bourbon can be distinguished by the leaves and beans of the coffee tree.

Coffee in Latin America today is largely developed from Typica and bourbon varieties. 97.55% of Brazilian coffee varieties come from Typica and bourbon. Latin American coffee breeding uses the narrow genetic basis of bourbon to create new varieties with various characteristics, which perform well in terms of yield and quality.

[Bourbon] bourbon

Bourbon trees are high and vigorous, 3000 Typica 4000 plants per hectare, green leaves are green, green leaves are slightly serrated, coffee beans with fruit are smaller and denser, so the appearance of beans is smaller and more round than that of Murray.

The fruits are red, yellow and orange, which change according to variety and soil texture, and red fruit is the most common. Although the seed set of Bourbon is higher than that of Typica, the harvest time is also 2 years, which is also a variety with low yield, and is very vulnerable to leaf rust, berry disease and nematode infection. In order to produce beans with unique flavor and superior flavor, it is appropriate to grow at an altitude of 1000 Murray 2200 meters.


Complex acidity, sweetness of caramel, balance

Yellow Bourbon Round Bourbon Tip Bourbon Pointu



Yellow Bourbon

[Tekisic] the evolution of Tieqi rare guest-Bourbon system

A green top tall cluster selected by ISIC Bourbon of the Salvadoran Coffee Institute, with small fruit, medium and low yield, small and medium beans, good special flavor, layered acidity and obvious thick taste. This kind of coffee has a strong sweetness and tends to taste like caramel and brown sugar. The planting density is 3000 trees per hectare, and the nutrient demand is moderate, so it is suitable to be planted above 1300 meters above sea level. It is extremely susceptible to leaf rust, berry disease and nematodes.

[Villa Sarchi] Verasach-Bourbon system evolution

This bourbon dwarf mutant has elegant acidity, strong fruit tones and excellent sweetness. Planted in the town of Sarchi in Costa Rica, it is susceptible to most coffee diseases and insects.

[Villa Sarchi] Verasach-bourbon variety

This bourbon green-top dwarf natural mutant was discovered in Costa Rica in the 1950s. Caturra and Pacas are caused by a single gene mutation that causes plants to become shorter, medium cups, small beans, medium yield such as Caturra, and high nutrient requirements. It is susceptible to coffee leaf rust, berry disease and nematodes. Suitable for planting above 1300 meters above sea level.

[Venecia] Vinejia-bourbon variety

This bourbon green top dwarf natural mutant has medium cuppin, large beans, medium yield such as Caturra, and high nutrient demand. It is susceptible to coffee leaf rust, berry disease and nematodes. Suitable for planting above 800 meters above sea level.

Derivation of "SL28" and "SL34"-bourbon hybridization

Bourbon progeny and heirloom were hybridized with Bourbon progeny in Kenya Scott laboratory, and new varieties of SL28 and SL34 appeared, but their parents were unknown, and the flavor was excellent with the acidity of blackcurrant. 90% of the coffee produced in Kenya is SL28 and SL34. SL-28 is extremely drought-tolerant and susceptible to CBD, CLR or BBC, failing in its mission to create high yields, but succeeds in creating delicious beans with strong citrus, sweet, balanced and complex aromas. SL34 is characterized by its complex lemon acidity, thick taste, purity and sweetness, and performs well at medium to high elevations. SL34 is extremely drought-resistant and more disease-resistant than SL28.

A variety evolved from the Arabica species

 [Caturra] Katura

Red Bourbon, a single gene natural mutation dwarf and green-top variety, planted 5000 Meltel plants per hectare without shade, small and medium-sized beans, and higher yield than Bourbon. It was first discovered in Brazil in 1937 and started commercial cultivation in Minas Gerais, Brazil in 1937. In Central America, Colombia, Costa Rica and Nicaragua are the best. 1500-1700 meters above sea level can produce the best quality and quantity.

Katura is characterized by bright acidity and low to medium consistency. It has less clarity and sweetness than its parent bourbon, with lemon or citrus acidity on the palate, and less sweetness than Typica and Bourbon in sweetness, because the sweetness of Caturra depends on the number and dose of fertilizer applied by the grower, and it has high production capacity, but continuous fertilization and pruning are necessary to maintain production capacity, so the tree is short and multi-branched and compact. The micro-jagged green leaves are relatively wide, and although the production capacity is increased, the yield is still limited because the harvest period takes 2 years and the care cost is high, and it is extremely vulnerable to leaf rust, berry disease and nematodes.


Citric acid and mild sweetness

A variety of Casiopea derived from the cross of Caturra Catura.

A hybrid of Caturra and Ethiopian wild species ET41, short, green-topped, medium-sized beans, excellent cups, producing the best quality and quantity at 1200 meters above sea level.

High yield but susceptible to leaf rust and pulp

Fruit disease and nematode infection, nutrient requirement

The demand is high.

A variety of interspecific hybrids H3 derived from Caturra Katura.

The hybrid between Caturra and Ethiopian wild variety E531 is dwarf, green-topped, large-sized, medium-sized and suitable for planting above 1200 meters above sea level.

High yield but susceptible to leaf rust,

Infection and culture of berry disease and nematodes

The demand is high.

A variety evolved from the Arabica species

 [Java] Java

Originally from the coffee forest in Ethiopia, it was brought to Indonesia for seed selection, so it was named Java. It was then sent to Cameroon for further selection of variety vigor and tolerance to berry disease.

The genetic fingerprinting of molecular markers indicated that Java was selected from the local variety Abysinia in Ethiopia. It was introduced to Costa Rican CIRAD by breeder Benoit Bertrand in 1991. Panama was the first Central American country to officially recognize Java in 2016.

It represents an interesting alternative to geisha, with good cups, suitable for small farmers, and better tolerance to coffee leaf rust and berry disease.

Arabica variety Java Java

Tree height, brown top, middle and upper cup, middle and lower yield, 4000 murmur5000 plants per hectare, medium resistance to leaf rust and berry disease, easy to infect nematodes, suitable for planting above 1200 meters above sea level, low nutrient requirements and large beans.

A variety derived from Arabica.

 [Mundo Novo] Mondonopper

The Natural Hybrid of Sumatra (Typica) and Red Bourbon

The cross variety, originally from Brazil, has spread all over the world.

The height of the tree is more than three meters, which makes it difficult to harvest. There is a lack of sweetness on the palate and bitterness in the back. The advantage is that it can withstand most diseases, the production date is late, it is convenient to adjust the working procedure, it has high production capacity, and it is a high yield variety. It is suitable to grow at an altitude of 1000 to 1200 meters.

Mundo Novo

A variety  [Catuai] Katuai derived from Arabica species

It was bred in 1949 by crossing Mundo Novo (Typica x bourbon) CP 37419 and Huang Caturra (bourbon mutation) C476-11. It was released after Brazilian IAC pedigree selection (single plant selection for successive generations) in 1972. Green top, there are red and yellow fruit, but also a green variety Ouro Verde, acidity, yellow beans when cold, have an impure taste like oil. There are many excellent selected departments in different countries.

Catuai in Honduras accounts for nearly half of the acreage. IHCAFE researchers are actively looking for improvements to Catuai, including hybrids between Catuai and Timor.

Catuai is also important in Costa Rica, where yellow fruit Catuai has been planted in large quantities since it was launched in 1985. Catuai was introduced to Guatemala in 1970 and now accounts for about 20 per cent of national production. Catuai is hardly cultivated in other Central American countries.

 [Catuai] Katuai

The tree of Caturra is short and the tree of Mundo novo is tall. After mixing, the tree shape is short and compact, which can be closely planted and easy to harvest. Catuai is derived from Guarani multo mom, meaning very good. The cup is good but not too good. The performance of yield and sweetness was similar to that of Cattura, and there was a great correlation between fertilization techniques. The planting density is high, proper fertilization can have high production capacity, trees can resist wind and rain, and the harvest period is only 1 year, but the disadvantage is that they are extremely susceptible to leaf rust, berry disease and nematodes, and their life span is only 10 years. Suitable for planting at an altitude of 1300 meters.



Soft and mellow, into the throat to feel the temperature of soft water

Moist, delicate aftertaste, sweet orange fruit, tropical

Fruit, raspberry, maple syrup sweet, juicy,

Light aromas of wine, white balsam pear, baked biscuits,

Caramel, vanilla and lingering charm are elegant and delicate.

Multi-layered taste.

A variety evolved from Typica

[Maragogype] Malago Gippe

The mutant variety of Typica is 3000 trees per hectare. In the Brazilian Bahia called Maragogype, it is found that the brown top and the beans are very large, so they are called elephant beans. The nutrient demand is low and the yield is very low. Suitable for planting above 1300 meters above sea level. The taste is mild with slightly sour and sweet, and it is not easy to bake. Shallow baking is recommended, as deep baking will not show the characteristics of the table.


Elephant bean raw bean (medium baked)


Elephant bean raw bean (medium baked)


Kaddura on the left and giant elephant beans on the right.

A variety derived from Arabica.

[Maracaturra] Malakatula

Maracaturra, also known as Maracatu, is a hybrid of Maragogype and Caturra. Native to Brazil, it is famous for its large leaves, flowers and fruits. Today, it grows in Central America, mainly in Nicaragua, El Salvador and Mexico. Maracaturra gives bright, complex acidity and fruity aromas.



Washed beans treated with honey

A variety evolved from the Arabica species

[Pacas] Pacas

Bourbon's green-top natural variant, discovered in Salvado in 1949, has small plants and is classified as a dwarf variety like Caturra. It has small beans, medium yield, medium nutrient requirements, and good quality at high altitude. El Salvador currently has 68% bourbon varieties, and Pacas's output accounts for 29% of El Salvador's. It is more wind-resistant than Bourbon and has a flavor similar to Bourbon, and is susceptible to most coffee diseases and insects. Suitable for planting above 1300 meters above sea level.


A variety derived from Arabica.

[Pacamara] Pacamara

Large dwarf fruit produced by the Salvadoran Coffee Research Center using Pacas as the male parent and Maragogype, with green or bronze leaves, appeared in El Salvador in the 1950s, with unique aromas of chocolate and citrus fruit, large beans, good cup taste, outstanding flavor, wonderful balance and floral aroma. The highest cup is produced from the highest altitude Pacamara that can be obtained. However, due to susceptibility to leaf rust, berry disease and nematode, the yield is medium, such as Caturra, mainly produced in El Salvador. The varieties are uneven and the generations vary greatly, and 10-12% of the offspring will turn back to Pacas.


Pacamara seed plant

Pacamara Pacamara


Citrus flower fragrant orange red variety

Purple red variety

Sun-dried beans

Washed beans


The scent of citrus flowers

A variety evolved from the Arabica species

 [Geisha] geisha

Geisha, a native subpopulation of Ethiopia, has a large bean shape and is a unique caffeine variety of Panama. In recent years, it has made a splendor in boutique coffee. In just a few years, it has been known as a boutique queen. At present, the output is low and the price is high, with the highest auction price of $2013 to $350.25USD. Coffee farmers say they have only discovered it in recent years, but this is not the case. Geisha appeared in Panama as early as 1960, and many breeding units in Panama also have many seeds of Geisha.

In fact, Geisha1931 was found in Gesha in southwestern Ethiopia, where there are many different names. In 1931 and 1932, it was exported to Kenya under the name Abyssinian and Geisha, respectively. In 1936, Kenya took the harvested Geisha seeds to Uganda and Tanzania for planting. In July 1953, Tanzania sent the offspring tree to Costa Rica, while the mother plant stayed in her own country. In 1960, Geisha was formally cultivated through CATIE (Tropical Agronomic Center for Research and Education) Panama.

[Geisha] Geisha

The Geisha tree is thin (up to 15 feet) with spreading branches and leaves, long green and red leaves, and late fruiting. Resistant to leaf rust, susceptible to berry disease and nematode, small fruit, medium and low yield.

Panamanian geisha T2722 is unique and is seen as a choice of coffee from another dimension. It is like Sichuan Pepper or Sun Ra Arkestra Jazz Orchestra, complex and otherworldly. Geisha coffee is expensive not only because of its high altitude and limited yield, but also because it is difficult to grow. Compared with other varieties, it has weak foliar photosynthesis, underdeveloped roots and weak ability to absorb water and nutrients. A geisha produces only half as many beans as Catuai, which may be why it has a unique flavor.

In order to highlight the characteristics and aroma of geisha, the baking degree is on the verge of second explosion, which is more commonly used. It can give full play to the characteristics of beans themselves. If it is too shallow, it will produce miscellaneous smell, and if it is too deep, it will lose the aroma of flowers and fruit acid.

[Geisha] Geisha

The dry aroma of geisha is very bright, with rose and jasmine aromas, honey pomelo and citrus aromas, light baked with nutty aromas, and wet aromas with hazelnut aromas and more floral characteristics. In terms of taste and flavor, compared with the previously rising aroma, it can be slightly mild and reserved, a little cooler, and the flower and fruit flavor gradually increases with the drop of temperature, and the cold aroma is excellent (sweet preserved fruit, rose fruit, orange grapefruit jam, strawberry jam, silk pine, cherry, vanilla, rose aromas gradually fade, leading to lemon aromas).

This is a coffee that can be praised by a large number of adjectives, the sweetness of Hui Gansi, which is testing the brightness of this coffee, especially in the case of shallow roasting.

[Geisha] Geisha

The genetic diversity of offspring is uniform and stable, and it is picky in a narrow microclimate, only growing when, where and how they want it. But whether you grow it in Indonesia or in America, it is always completely itself.

The beans produced at high altitude have a good aroma, sweet and clean in finish, with aromas of Moli flowers, oolong tea, peach and honey, and bright sour fruits, such as tamarind, mango, the whole aroma and caramel sweetness. the tip of the tongue feels sour at the entrance, but it is mild and round in the mouth, sweet and sweet in the mouth, and it also has the finish of mandarin. The lower the temperature, the finer the acidity. The charm is quite long-lasting.

Special can be compared with Ethiopian water-washed beans. But its flavor changes rapidly in different cultivation areas, and it can only be planted on a 1200-meter hillside in order to maintain its characteristics. Caffeine content is 30% less than most Arabica varieties.

Geisha kabuki plants

Geisha geisha fruiting plant

Geisha sweet, citrus, fruit hue

A variety [Ethiopian Heirloom] Yirgacheffe evolved from Arabica species

The Ethiopian Heirloom coffee group can be said to be the most distinctive and delicious coffee in the world. The beauty of this variety lies in their mystery. They are wild flower species, derived from the natural forest coffee in southwestern Ethiopia. Each village has its own variety, which has been handed down for more than a century and is shaped by soil, altitude and weather conditions. The species most similar to Typica is native to Yemen. Eventually spread to Latin America, more than 1, 000 Heirloom varieties are currently in production. Ethiopian Heirloom produces some of the world's most coveted flavors, depending on its processing skills. Dry processed coffee usually has a medium full-bodied and acidic fruit / red wine hue. Wet-processed coffee is light but has complex floral and citrus tones.

Ethiopian Heirloom

Floral and fruity, like wine

Yirgacheffe is delicate, tea-like aroma and pure citrus flavor

The heredity of Coffea

The heredity of the genus Coffee is very complex, and its chromosome number is mostly 2n=22 except that Arabica coffee is 2n=4x=44 (heterotetrad). Medium-grain coffee (Coffea canephora, 2n=2x = 22) grows well and can be used as a genetic research material. All of the above mutations are a pair of factors, while many other pairs of factor mutations have not been found.

The chromosomes in the Prophase of meiosis are heterochromic, the staining near the centrosome is darker, and the staining of other parts is lighter.

With the exception of Arabica coffee from the Ethiopian highlands, 90% of Arabica coffee is self-compatible, and all other types of coffee are self-infertile. After several generations of self-breeding, the growth potential and yield of Elaraby coffee were not affected.

Arabica coffee has more mutations, which may be due to its easy selfing and recessive mutations.

The chromosome mutations in Arabica coffee are

a. Six elements (2n=66) Bullata form. The leaf is thicker and wider than the quaternary, with fewer stomata and less fruit.

b. Octet (2n=88) Bullata form.

Leaves are smaller, thicker and tougher than hexagons, with fewer pores and stronger.

And less.

c. Binary (2n=22) Monosperma form.

The leaf is thinner and narrower than the binary, with more stomata and less fruit.

Only one seed per fruit.

d. Chromosome variation of somatic cells.

The factor mutations of Arabica coffee are

a. About 1/3 of the known mutations are dominant, 1/3 are incomplete dominant and 1/3 are recessive.

b. There are also good offspring in recessive mutation: Typica → bourbon Bourbon → Laurina Bourbon → Semperflorens.

c. Dominant mutations such as maragogype and Caturra.

The factor mutations of Arabica coffee are

d. Most mutations have the power to affect the whole plant (Pleiotropic), such as narrow leaf mutation, deformed mutation A, deformed mutation B, wrinkled leaf mutation, brown leaf mutation, short branch leaflet mutation, purple leaf mutation, calyx mutation, multi-flower mutation, large calyx mutation, dwarf mutation, yellow endosperm mutation, orthophytic mutation, tufted mutation, large mutation, small mutation, yellow fruit mutation, Lloyd's coffee. Normal coffee and so on.

The factor mutations of Arabica coffee are

e. All the factors were very stable, only the abrupt change of short branch and leaflet showed the appearance of intermediate type, but it was also very obvious.

f. Factor epistasis and interaction have been found.

g. The study of mutations is of great value, and some mutations have been bred into economic varieties.

h. This kind of study can explore the source of cultivated varieties. For example, bourbon is from typica.

Narrow lobe mutant Angustifolia

The varieties with long and narrow leaves and long lanceolate leaves are the main parent sources for the breeding of excellent and good new varieties of coffee. About 5% of C. arabica seedlings have narrow leaves.

It is the recessive factor of two pairs of mutations of ag1 and ag2.

The first generation of hybrids with normal plants is the normal second offspring.

The ratio of 9 to 7 is normal.

It is now one of the official varieties of Arabica coffee.

Malformed mutant An Anomala

The tree shape, leaf shape, flower and fruit of the mutant are all deformed.

There are often 4 seeds in the fruit, and 3 embryo plants in each seed, so it is pseudo-polyembryonic (False Polyembryony), and its factor is a pair of recessive anan.

The variation of malformed mutant B Anomalis is more severe than that of the above aberration.

Leaves are often divided into palms, stamens degenerated, fruit large and discoid, containing several seeds.

Is a pair of incomplete dominant factors AmAm

The first generation is intermediate and often infertile.

The leaves of seedlings with normal Bronze mutation in brown leaves were green.

The young leaves of this mutant are brown, while the old leaves are still green.

The factor is a pair of dominant, dark brown in BrBr, light brown in Brbr and green in brbr. However, there may be other allelic factors that affect the depth of brown.

Leaf color and fruit color are inherited independently and do not affect each other.

Calyx mutation Calycanthema

The sepal of the common coffee is very small, while the calyx of this variety is very large like a petal.

Except for the degeneration of stamens, all the other characters were similar to the parent Typica.

The first offspring of crossing with normal plants had 50% normal and 50% coronal calyx, which seemed to be the result of backcross.

Therefore, it is assumed that the factor is a pair of dominant Cpene cc and Cc is a coronal calyx. Because of its stamen degeneration, there is no way to self-cross to obtain pure dominant plants of CC.

Dwarf mutant Caturra

The plant is similar to the parent Bourbon but small, short internodes and high yield, so it has become a cultivated variety.

The varieties with similar Typica mutations are Sao Bernado and San Ramon.

The factor was a pair of dominant CtCt, which was crossed with normal plant, and the first generation was dwarf plant Ctct.

50% dwarf plants (Ctct) and 50% normal plants (ctct) were backcrossed with normal ctct.

The progeny of backcrossing with dwarf plant CtCt were dwarf plant (CtCt and Ctct).

From Typica.

Yellow endosperm mutant Cera

The normal endosperm of Arabica is green.

The other characters of this variety were the same as those of Arabica except that the endosperm was yellow.

The factor is the allelic recessive gene of green endosperm.

Both CeCeCe,CeCece and Cecece were green, only cecece was yellow endosperm and had pollen direct sensation (Xenia).

Wrinkled leaf mutant Crespa

The leaves are small and wrinkled, the plants are short and fruiting is very few.

It is a pair of dominant factors CrCr.

At first, it was only a unit factor mutation, and the genotype was Crcr.

When crossed with normal plants, half of the offspring were wrinkled leaves and half were normal.

Orthotopic mutant Erecta

The branches of the normal Arabica incomplete dominant plants were at an angle of about 65 degrees from the trunk, while that of this mutant was only about 25 degrees, so the branches grew upright upward, and other characters were the same as those of the normal plants.

Erectile inheritance is a pair of completely dominant factors ErEr.

The heterozygote was also erect at Erer, and the second generation was erect at 3:1 as normal.

Clustered mutant Fasciata

There are two kinds of clump type: one is hesitation variation, which can not be inherited.

What is described here is a heritable cluster mutation.

The branches are banded, the leaves are dense and clumpy, the petals can be increased to 12, the stamens increase, the stigmas gather to form bands, there are two carpels in the ovary, the inner whorl is completely sterile, the outer whorl can produce seeds but has no use value, meiosis is abnormal, and some pollen is sterile.

Its inheritance is a pair of complete dominant factors, and the variation is particularly significant in FsFs, slightly clustered in Fsfs, and normal in fsfs.

Le Roy Lowe Coffee (Laurina; Bourbon Pointu)

From the mutation of Bourbon, it is a variety of var. Laurinan DC, the tree is short and conical, with small leaves, but the beans are of good quality-slightly sour, low bitter, meticulous, with attractive aromas of vanilla, citrus, almonds and lychees. The yield is sometimes abundant, sometimes apologetic, extremely drought-tolerant and susceptible to leaf rust. Diseases and insect pests nearly wiped out this variety in 1880.

The mutant is small-grain coffee, which is different from Mokka in that mocha is round beans and Laurina is sharp at both ends, so it is called "bourbon pointed body". In fact, both come from mutations in the same gene. All are multiple mutations (one gene causes several morphological changes, such as low or small changes in tree height, internodes, leaves, and caffeine content, while other mutations cause only a small change, if true color).

When crossed with normal coffee, the first offspring were normal, and the second offspring were both normal and dwarf plants.

Genetic factor is a pair of recessive lrlr, lack of caffeine synthase, can not synthesize caffeine from theobromine.

[Bourbon Pointu] Bourbon pointed body Coffea arabica var. Laurina

In 1771, Leroy discovered this mutant of Bourbon on Bourbon Island. The bean shape changed from round to pointed. The caffeine content was less than half of that of Bourbon (1.2%), and only 0.4% of it. The flavor of the general low-caffeinated coffee variety was not good enough, but the pointed bourbon broke this rule. The flavor was excellent, and it was as legendary as a geisha. Frail and low output, extremely precious, used to be the most expensive, the most sought-after coffee (about 200 murmur300 euros / kg), in Japan has set a record of 80,000 yen / kg, as soon as it is launched! At present, most of them only supply the Japanese market.

The large mutant Maragogype comes from Typica.

The plant characters of this mutant variety are taller than that of common coffee, but the yield is lower.

The genetic factor is a pair of dominant Mg, and the offspring of crossing with normal caffeine are large, but the yield is higher, so they are often used as rootstocks and hybrid parents.

Small mutation Mokka

 was naturally mutated from bourbon in Yemen and later spread to the island of Reunion (Bourbon) and then transplanted to Brazil, Hawaii, Guatemala and Columbia. This mutant has short plants, small leaves, large glands and small fruits. The bean shape is naturally small and round (bean paste 0.39 mi / m 0.43 cm), but the quality is good and the yield is low. Small mochas also have small round (male) beans, but the proportion is only 2%, which is much lower than the average Arabica's 5muri 10%.

After arriving in Hawaii,  Mocha was hybridized with Typica to form a tall mocha to adapt to the customs of Hawaii's Maui Island, but the bean shape still retains its original cute appearance. The Guatemalan or Colombian mocha may be from Brazil or Hawaii, if it is from Brazil, it has the original dwarf characteristics, and if it is from Hawaii, it may be a modified tall mocha.

Small mutation Mokka


Pacamara Natural

Genetic combination of small mutation Mokka

Its genetic factors are two pairs of factors, one is Lloyd's coffee (pointed body bourbon) mutant complete recessive factor lrlr, the other is complete recessive factor momo.

LrLrMoMo;LrlrMoMo are all normal Arabica.

LrLrMomo is normal, but the leaves are small and the glands are slightly larger.

Lrlrmomo; LrLrmomo has grown into a dwarf.

LrlrMomo; LrlrMomo Lloyd's coffee

Lrlrmomo standard short and small mocha variety

Mokka was originally a place name, now it is a flavor, and it may become a scientific change in the future.

Mocha was once one of the most sought-after coffee beans in the world. The name Mocha Coffee comes from the Yemeni town of Mocha on the Red Sea. This place monopolized the export of coffee in the 15th century, especially in the Arabian Peninsula. This special coffee bean is now called small coffee and still grows on the hills of Yemen.

It comes from a now abandoned port in Muha (also known as Almuha).

Only the richest people could afford to leave Hong Kong at that time. A

In time, all the coffee was consumed by the French royal family. Do

Despite the increase in production and the decline in price, the price of this kind of coffee is still the same.

It's not cheap, and it's hot.

Mokka was originally a place name, now it is a flavor, and it may become a scientific change in the future.

Small-grain coffee has been grown and developed in a wider range of areas, but varieties in Yemen can

Can still be the most delicious. Like grapes, these crops suck from the soil

Take nutrients and turn them into a unique flavor that is difficult to replicate elsewhere.


Now, there is a new turning point in the history of Mocha. In 2004, a small-grain coffee from Ethiopia was found to contain very little caffeine, far less than other types of coffee. Generally speaking, the taste of coffee is damaged by the removal of coffee, so this natural low-caffeinated coffee bean is very exciting. There is a chemical in coffee beans called theobromine (also found in cocoa beans), which is added to a methyl group to become caffeine: this chemical process is called methylation. However, in this kind of coffee beans, the process seems to be limited. Scientists are trying to transplant similar features to other species. So, maybe one day, mocha will taste high-quality decaf.

Short branch leaflet mutation Murta-nana this mutation is a pair of incomplete recessive factors.

NaNa is normal Bourbon coffee; Nana is leaflet plant; nana plant is short, small leaves and few flowers. However, this mutation is quite unstable, and chimerism often occurs, sometimes the shape is nana and the flower and fruit is Nana, and sometimes the three characters are chimeric with each other.

Purple leaf mutant Purpurascens

It is a natural variant of Bourbon gene, and this mutation has become an official variety Var. Purpurascens Cramer . The root system is widely distributed and resistant to drought.

San Ramon is a dwarf purple leaf variety of Typica.

The plant is medium. The young leaves are purple and the mature leaves are lilac. The flower is light red, the young fruit has purple stripes, the mature fruit is dark red, the yield is low, resistant to fruit rot, not resistant to rust.

Purple leaf mutant Purpurascens

Beans are small and compact, rich in lipids, with strong and distinct taste, from sweet and spicy to flower, and then from flower to fruit, just like a magician, so that the taste buds must focus on their taste. It is a kind of black coffee that can not be ignored. The obvious tones of blackberries, raisins, flowers and lemons are dominant. The acidity is light and bright. Soft and smooth. Purple substance may be related to coffee aroma and cup quality. It can be used for high grafting to create the special flavor and aroma of high quality varieties.

Its genetic factor is a pair of recessive factor prpr, which is weaker than brown factor BrBr, but stronger than green factor brbr, and most of its offspring are continuous inheritance.

Purple leaf mutation

Purple leaf mutation

Large calyx mutant Goiaba

From Typica.

This mutant calyx is large and persistent.

Its inheritance is a pair of recessive factors sdsd, which is crossed with normal calyx SdSd. The first offspring is intermediate Sdsd; and the second offspring is 1:2:1.

This factor is completely inferior to coronal calyx CC, and coronal calyx in the presence of C.

Multiflowered mutant Semperflorens

Normal Arabica coffee only blossoms 4 times from July to October, while this mutant is insensitive to photoperiod and can blossom all the year round. Different stages of flowering and fruiting can occur on the same plant in the same period, which only blossoms more in 7 Mel-October. The yield is lower than that of Red Bourbon and Typica, and the bean is smaller. 1934 was found in Brazil. It can be used as a high-grafting excellent variety to promote multiple production periods in a year.

Its inheritance is a pair of recessive factors sfsf, which is crossed with the normal species SfSf, the first offspring is normal, and the second offspring is 3:1.

Multiflowered mutant Semperflorens

Normal coffee Typica and Bourbon

Except for the yield, there was little difference in appearance between the two varieties of .

 Typica is dominant TT, while Bourbon is its recessive mutant tt with high yield.

The hybridization between lobular mutant nana and normal Typica in  showed that TT was epistatic to nana, and Na was dominant to na when t.

 Tt nana and tt Nana are semi-dwarf plants, and the former has larger leaves. The genetic difference between Typica and Bourbon can be detected by semi-dwarf hybrid Murta (tt Nana).

Typica (TT NaNa) × nana (tt nana)

The first generation is the Tt Nana normal second generation:

TT NaNa & Tt NaNa-normal Typica TT Nana, Tt nana & Tt Nana---- very close to Typica TT nana- very close to Typica (similar to Bourbon) tt NaNa-normal Bourbon Tt nana--larger leaf plant Murta tt Nana- standard leaflet plant Murta tt nana-standard dwarf leaflet nana

Yellow fruit mutant Xanthocarpa

The first variation found was from Typica. The fruit was yellow at maturity, early ripening, high yield, and other characters were similar to Typica.

There may be some special substances or special gene expression in yellow fruit varieties, which can significantly improve the aroma of yellow fruit, and there is some special correlation between the aroma of coffee and the quality of cup products. When the coffee yellow fruit mutant was crossed with the purple leaf mutant, the yellow fruit was obtained in the purple leaf mutant of F2 progeny, and the fruit was dark yellow, which was caused by purple leaf mutant gene (prpr) and yellow fruit mutant gene (xcxc). The mutant gene of yellow fruit is beneficial to increase yield, and this phenomenon exists in both yellow bourbon and yellow Caturra, which is useful in breeding.

However, some experiments found that the analysis of red, yellow and orange offspring of Xcxc x Xcxc showed that the effect of xanthocarpa allele on yield was not significant. Yellow fruit matures earlier than red fruit, and orange fruit is in the middle.

Yellow fruit mutant Xanthocarpa

Its inheritance is a pair of recessive factor xcxc, which is crossed with normal red fruit (XcXc). The first generation is orange fruit (Xcxc), sometimes with yellow stripes, and the first generation with purple fruit is dark yellow fruit.

The varieties with yellow fruit mutations were found to be:

1. Var. Typica forma xanthocarpa Krug.

2. Var. Bourbon forma xanthocarpa K. M. C. 3. Var. Caturra forma xanthocarpa K. M. C.

Mutations in other kinds of coffee

 Coffea canephora

1. Clustered mutation (Fasciation) is a pair of recessive factors

two。 Lobular mutation (nana) is a pair of completely recessive factors.

3. Narrow lobe mutation (Angustifolia) is similar to Arabica mutation 4. Yellow fruit mutation (Xanthocarpa) is similar to Arabica mutation.

 C. congensis this species has narrow leaf mutations and other leaf flower deformities  C. deweveri this species has crimson flower mutations

No mutant was found in  C. liberica

Interspecific Hybridization between Arabica and Robsta Coffee

The purpose of  is to improve the disease resistance and vitality of Arabica coffee or to improve the cup of Roberta. Arabusta is a fertile interspecific F1 hybrid, which is the offspring of autotetraploid coffee beans induced by Arabica and robusta.

 Hibrido de Timor is Arabica x Robusta, a natural hybrid similar to Elaraby Coffee with 44 chromosomes, resistant to coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix).

The new dwarf hybrid , called Ruiru Eleven, was successfully developed by the coffee research station in Kenya in 1985. Ruiru Eleven is resistant to coffee berry disease and coffee leaf rust. It is high-yielding and suitable for planting at twice the normal density.

 Icatu is the result of interspecific cross between Arabica x robusta and Arabica coffee varieties Mundo Novo and Caturra.

Interspecific Hybridization between Arabica and Robsta Coffee

The techniques used by  in coffee breeding are as follows: 1. Controlled pollination and seed reproduction, 2. Vegetative system reproduction. Rapid propagation in vitro and somatic embryogenesis were induced by traditional methods of grafting, cutting and new methods (tissue culture).

In recent years,  has manipulated genetic small seed coffee to use recombinant DNA and tissue culture techniques. Introducing new genes to resist pests or herbicides or to encode genes to obtain high-quality cups, with new technologies it is possible to produce any combination of offspring with the desired functions.

Coffee interspecific hybridization

The seed setting rate of interspecific hybridization of  coffee is low, if Arabica is used as the female parent, the seed setting rate is slightly better. C. canephora × arabica var. Mokka

The leaves are intermediate type with large glands, which proves that Mokka (momo) is not completely dominant.

2. C. canephora × arabica var. Polysperma (FsFs)

The slight banding of the intermediate type indicates that Fs is incompletely dominant and the offspring of another quadruple are more normal.

3. C. Deweveri var. Excelsa (yellow seed) × arabica var. The offspring of Bourbon (green seed) are yellow seeds.

4. C. the first generation of natural hybrids of Liberica × arabica can self-cross.

5. C. deweveri × arabica natural crossing can produce quadruple.

Coffee interspecific grafted  rootstock

 Nemaya

C. Canephora T3561 x C. Canephora T3751

 is used to graft rootstocks of Robsta varieties because of its high resistance to nematodes. Arabica species (any variety) can be grafted onto Nemaya rootstocks to resist nematodes.

The grafting of Arabica varieties onto Robusta rootstock by  had no effect on the cup.