Coffee review

Can you lose weight by brewing black coffee? is hanging-ear coffee healthy? Caffeine content of hand brewed coffee

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) many office workers used to have a cup of coffee every morning to boost their spirits. Mom, she is the same. She drinks iced coffee in summer and hot coffee in winter, and no matter it is canned or freshly brewed, it can be said that she loves coffee to the extent that she loves it.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Many office workers are used to having a cup of coffee every morning to boost their spirits.

Mom was the same. She drank iced coffee in summer and hot coffee in winter. She would not refuse anyone, whether canned or freshly brewed. She loved coffee to the extent that she was very satisfied every time she drank coffee.

Ears coffee: [Wednesday's Ears coffee] rated "5★" flavor coffee, rich and sweet taste, no sugar is also the same mellow smooth ●

However, she is frugal by nature, buying cheap canned brands every time, and only drinking freshly brewed coffee at 7-11 or 85 degrees C during special promotions.

So we often go online and buy some well-known or special coffee brands for my mother to taste, otherwise she will always only drink the fixed few cheap brands, and she does not know that there are more different flavors and flavors in coffee.

Front Street Coffee Selection Seasonal Arabica Coffee Bean Ear Coffee

(Box of 10) Order Baking

Freshly ground Arabica coffee

Order baked and ground fresh ear bag, different baking degree, different grinding degree, and different brewing water temperature flavor are different, please note if there is a request.

It is suitable for traveling and easy to brew.

The beans are freshly baked and ground only after ordering. Each package has its own sealed package, which is very convenient to carry.

Hereby, ear hanging coffee is disposable supplies, washed into hot water follicles after throwing away, do not go through the water oh. A packet contains about 10G of powder. You can add the appropriate amount of water according to your taste.