Coffee review

How about Japanese ucc coffee? How do you like ucc coffee? Is ucc117 black coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) ucc coffee brand has a history of 85 years, in the past has been adhering to the professional spirit to achieve the concept of professional coffee company operating for the enterprise. At present, in addition to importing quality products from UCC of Japan, it is also produced from two UCC coffee farms and more than a dozen countries in the world.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Ucc coffee brand has a history of 85 years. In the past, it has been adhering to the professional spirit to realize the concept of professional coffee company operating for the enterprise.

At present, in addition to importing high-quality products from UCC, Japan, we have also imported high-quality raw coffee raw materials from two UCC coffee farms and more than a dozen countries around the world, engaged in professional coffee bean roasting, grinding and instant coffee packaging production, and by providing various channels such as' business business', 'household business', 'takeout industry', and 'gift box related business'. It is hoped that by providing delicious coffee, more people can enjoy the good taste of life brought by coffee.

Ucc Coffee takes coffee as the center, develops diversified management "from one cup of coffee to farm production", and then devotes itself to quality assurance and culture-related activities, forming a comprehensive development business model. Among the global coffee manufacturers, only UCC can do this, making it a unique existence in the coffee industry. UCC's career map has gone from coffee shops and other types of restaurants to homes and offices. Now, the tentacles are extended to all kinds of places and occasions where people can get spiritual satisfaction.

The mission of ucc Coffee is to enable more people to taste the really delicious coffee no matter when and where, and to expand the smile that coffee brings to the world. Adhering to this ideal, the coffee expert UCC Group will wholeheartedly inject enthusiasm into coffee, improve its comprehensive competitiveness, and create a "Good Coffee Smile" globally with the goal of "The Coffee Company" in Japan, Asia, and even the world. .