Coffee review

Four misunderstandings of coffee shop entrepreneurship what should be paid attention to in opening a coffee shop

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Cafe operation is extremely energy-consuming, one of the reasons is that its unique imported culture is not easy to grasp. How to profoundly interpret this imported culture more in line with the needs of the Chinese people is not easy to do, to imitate and copy other coffee.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Coffee shop management is extremely energy-consuming, one of the reasons is that its unique imported culture is not easy to grasp. How to deeply interpret this imported culture more in line with the needs of the Chinese people is not easy to do. To imitate and copy the existing successful models of other cafes is a shortcut, but there are still risks in shortcuts, investment is nothing trivial, everything needs to be cautious. Through years of experience in coffee shop operation, I have dealt with all kinds of coffee shop investors and summarized several mistakes in coffee shop investment.

Investment Mistake 1: Big shop small do and small shop big do invest in an island coffee shop, including its island series or pan-island series, to understand that most of its management mode is good at doing big shop, the general shop business area is 500~1000 square meters, even 1500~2000 square meters of super-large storefront. This type of store operating benefits are good and bad, in this I do not comment on that, said only its comparison with small and medium-sized stores. Most of the Shangdao series are large stores, so the customer groups they absorb are naturally different from small stores. For example, most of the large-scale stores will have more private rooms; the products are a combination of Chinese and Western food; drinks, coffee, tea, ice products, juice have everything; the store hall also has a deck, couples half-pack deck, or even ring deck, which requires a certain area, which also caters to a group of domestic consumers who value grades. According to the traditional consumption concept of Chinese bosses, the size of the store is the first element of the level of consumption, so if the area is small, the decoration is luxurious again.

However, if the store is decorated luxuriously, enlarge the sofa, set up private rooms, chess and card rooms, it will reduce the utilization rate of the table. Imagine, a small shop with a total of 200 square meters, but also to do 2 private rooms, get 4 booths, do a water feature, do a large bar, even a round bar, but also set up a small kitchen, what will happen? How could he make money? The more comfortable the sofa, the easier it is for customers to accept, the easier it is for customers to like it, but the larger the proportion of sofas, especially the larger the sofa, the more it will occupy the consumption area. At the same time, the sofa that is too comfortable will make customers feel that they do not want to go. The turnover rate will drop significantly. In addition,"sitting casually" will be "full", and other customers will see "full" and "no good position". They will leave, and the vicious circle will begin. Similarly, Shangdao coffee mode is not hard to set the store mode, this is not "close the belly can wear small clothes" so simple, because you have not matched the right small shoes, small hats, small accessories, more importantly, you have not used to "small" vision of the "small" world!

In addition, staff recruitment is also difficult, although both belong to the coffee industry, but in the two different backgrounds born staff do have a big difference. Large-scale stores have a clear division of labor, and employees perform their duties; small stores have a simple division of labor, often with multiple posts and multiple abilities. This has caused staff born in different modes to easily produce large work conflicts when working in the same store, which is easy to increase the management difficulty of investors, especially to increase the difficulty of initial management. Of course, small business type coffee shops should not be made into big shop models. After all, they are two different business thinking. Therefore, when investing in a store, it is best to find a matching store type for similar comparison, and when recruiting staff, try to choose staff from the same category.

In my experience, most of the bar staff engaged in large-scale complex stores are often not good at making Italian coffee. They are better at making coffee with siphon pots and are not good at maintaining expensive coffee machine equipment. This is very unfavorable for small and medium-sized cafes with relatively high requirements for Italian coffee products. The management mode of small and medium-sized cafes is mostly relatively loose, so the staff born under its mode are more relaxed and casual in behavior, which is not very helpful for large complex cafes that pay more attention to behavioral norms.