Coffee review

Who invented filter paper? How to use coffee filter paper Coffee without filter paper

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) grind the coffee beans, put the powder on the filter paper, and then slowly pour water, waiting for the coffee liquid to slowly leak out of the filter paper. With the rise of the third wave of coffee, boutique coffee has become the mainstream, and nothing has attracted more attention than hand-brewed coffee. Many people think that hands

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Grind the coffee beans into powder, put the powder on the filter paper, and then slowly inject water, waiting for the coffee liquid to slowly leak out of the filter paper. With the rise of the third wave of coffee, boutique coffee has become the mainstream, and nothing attracts more attention than hand-brewed coffee. Many people think that hand-made coffee originated in Japan, but the truth is that it is made by modern hand-making, from an unexpected country-Germany, and what is even more surprising is that the inventor is an unknown housewife.

It all comes from the inspiration of lazy son's homework.

After coffee was introduced into Europe from Arabia, the traditional European method of making coffee is to use linen or metal strainer to filter out the coffee grounds. However, if linen cloth is used, it must be cleaned very clean every time it is used, otherwise it will stink; and if a metal filter is used, it will not be able to make enough small pores because the technological level at that time is unable to make enough pores, so it will let a lot of coffee grounds through the strainer, and even the coffee drunk will have the strange taste of coffee grounds, but also bitter taste.

Melitta Bentz, then 35, loved drinking coffee, but thought the traditional way of making coffee was too troublesome, so he always hoped to invent a more convenient and easier way to make coffee. While she was thinking, she happened to see her son's school homework book. as soon as she was touched, she used the ink paper of the homework book to make the world's first coffee filter paper, which has become the most common modern technology to filter coffee powder with filter paper.

The filter paper made of ink paper has a very light texture. Compared with linen cloth, it has a low cost and solves the problem of cleaning. Most importantly, the coffee made with filter paper can not only completely separate the dregs, but also reduce the bitterness and astringency. The coffee produced is more palatable and cleaner than before, and even retains the aroma of the coffee itself.

The housewife became the chairman of the company.

In addition to creating coffee filter paper, Melitta also created hand-made ceramic filter cups. One day, Melitta's friends were shocked by the wonderful taste after drinking her coffee, so she was advised to start her own business and make filter paper and filter cups into commodities to sell. However, this puts Melitta in a dilemma-on the one hand, she wants to try, but on the other hand, under the traditional framework, housewives should run the house well instead of starting a business and being a strong woman.

However, Melitta does not want to spend his life in such an ordinary way. She patented her filter paper and cup in 1908 and founded The Melitta Company in the same year. Although the public is not optimistic, but rely on word-of-mouth, expand a large customer base, and hand-brewed coffee utensils, continue to bring forth the new, to this day, this company is still the leading brand in the European handcutter industry.

Although because of the popularity of Italian coffee machines and the rise of Starbucks, which represents commercial coffee, the emphasis on "slow" hand-brewed coffee fell in the 1980 and 1990s, but with the rise of the third wave of coffee, hand-brewed coffee rose again in Japan and gradually expanded.