Coffee review

Dripping coffee powder can you directly flush _ ordinary coffee beans how to make dripping coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) first you have to have a Vietnamese leaky coffee cup, you can buy it on Taobao. However, if you want to drink the most authentic Vietnamese flavor, you still have to go to Vietnam to buy it! The Vietnamese 'habit of drinking coffee was brought about by the French more than a hundred years ago, and the Vietnamese also maintained the French.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

First of all, you have to have a Vietnamese dripping coffee cup, which you can buy on Taobao. However, if you want to drink the most authentic Vietnamese flavor, you still have to go to Vietnam to buy it!

The Vietnamese habit of drinking coffee was brought about by the French more than a hundred years ago, and the Vietnamese also maintained the ancient French way of drinking coffee. In Vietnam's ubiquitous coffee shops, sitting lazily and enjoying the beauty of leaking coffee is also a good experience on the road.

[first introduce the right amount of condensed milk into the cup]

[next, put the base of the drip pot on the cup, pour 20g coffee powder into the drip cup, and gently spread it flat on the bottom]

[next, pour the hot water into the dripping pot]

Sit for about three minutes, mix coffee with condensed milk, and a cup of Vietnamese dripping coffee is almost complete! ]

Vietnam is rich in coffee, but the editor doesn't like coffee, so he didn't take Vietnamese coffee seriously until I went to Menai in the south and met a group of Chinese young people who highly recommended me to try some coffee, especially the dripping coffee in Vietnam.

The editor usually likes to drink tea, although he has drunk some instant coffee on different occasions and Blue Mountain, latte and cappuccino in cafes, but he doesn't feel much and doesn't feel any good. I don't want to drink a cup of Vietnamese dripping coffee in a little brother's restaurant in Menai. I suddenly fell in love with it.

Vietnam is a large coffee producer with many kinds. Some shops still sell the famous "Kopi Luwak", and cafes are all over the streets of Vietnam. Unlike China, there are far more coffee drinkers than tea drinkers in Vietnam (Vietnam is also a big tea producer), while a cup of dripping coffee on the street costs only about 4 yuan.

Drip coffee was not invented by Vietnamese. The world famous drip coffee has Japanese style, American style and Italian style, but Vietnamese drip coffee is the most primitive, the simplest and even the least particular. It's just a metal funnel with a metal pressure plate on it. Just drop it on the coffee cup.

Grind the roasted coffee into powder, then put the brewing coffee powder into the drip, cover it with a pressure plate, soak it with hot water, and then put it on the coffee cup and pour it with boiling water. In the following coffee cup, put a certain amount of condensed milk in advance according to your preference.

At this time, watching and listening to the dripping coffee from the line to the point, ticking to complete the dripping process of a cup of coffee. At the same time, the aroma of the coffee will slowly dissipate, about five minutes to the end of dripping. In order to keep warm during the floor drain in winter, coffee cups can be placed in a bowl full of hot water.

After dripping, stir the coffee with the condensed milk below and you can enjoy it slowly. Mixing the natural aroma of coffee with the sweet cream of condensed milk will suddenly capture your taste buds and can't help but drink it frequently. The editor had no experience for the first time. He had two drinks in a row before he had fun and tasted it. As a result, he couldn't sleep at night. In fact, this kind of coffee needs to be patient, a small sip, slowly tasting bit by bit.

Vietnamese drink drip and add ice at the same time, not only in summer, but also in cold winter. Later, it was found that this kind of coffee cold drink, as the ice slowly melted, the coffee concentration was slowly changing, and the taste was gradually different. Vietnam and China have all kinds of grudges, as tourists may not like it, but Vietnam's dripping coffee is really good!