Coffee review

Luckin coffee's new game of "infinite scene"-join hands with China Unicom to open cross-border business hall stores

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) October 29, Jinan Quancheng Road 77 building China Unicom business hall ushered in the new retail professional coffee operator luckin coffee (Luckin Coffee) to settle down. At this point, Luckin Coffee, who takes the infinite scene (Any Moment) as the brand strategy, continues to be in the Imperial Palace.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

On October 29th, the business hall of China Unicom at 77 Quancheng Road in Jinan welcomed the settlement of the new retail professional coffee operator luckin coffee (Luckin Coffee). So far, Luckin Coffee, with "Any Moment" as his brand strategy, has entered the offline business hall of the two major communications operators, China Mobile and China Unicom, after opening stores in the Imperial Palace, the gym, gas stations and university campuses.

The picture above shows China Unicom Huawei Store, Quancheng Road, Jinan.

It is understood that Luckin Coffee, who launched a trial operation in January this year, has been rapidly racing horse enclosures all over the country. As of October 15, Luckin Coffee has opened more than 1400 stores in 21 cities across the country, making it the second largest coffee chain brand in China. In terms of location, in addition to the core business district, office buildings, universities, gas stations, airports, gyms and other coffee consumption scenes have become Luckin Coffee's expansion. This reflects that Luckin Coffee is different from other brands, this new retail play to launch the "unlimited scene" strategy, the realization of "coffee to find people", rather than "people looking for coffee".

In September, Luckin Coffee opened a store at the Imperial Palace in Beijing, where the number of passengers in Japan reached 100, 000. In the same month, Lucky Cafe entered the Beijing Workers' Sports sweat Exchange Factory and opened its first fitness-themed store. Prior to this, Luckin Coffee's stores in office buildings, university campus scenes and gas stations have already been opened. Guo Jinyi, co-founder of Luckin Coffee, mentioned that Luckin Coffee's consumers are aimed at young people in the workplace as well as college students, and the layout of coffee stores is to reach these users as much as possible.

The picture above shows the Arrow Pavilion store in the Imperial Palace in Beijing.

In order to develop the consumption of sports scenes, Luckin Coffee has greatly enhanced her brand awareness by serving sports events such as, Beijing Marathon and CBA. At the same time, in cooperation with giants such as Tencent, Huawei and Xiaomi, AI games such as facial scanning and gesture authentication have been used to increase interaction with young professionals. This time, the cooperation between Luckin Coffee and China Unicom is not only a further expansion of the coffee consumption scene, but also a new attempt for China Unicom to realize the transformation of smart retail.

The picture above shows the Beijing sweat exchange factory store.

It is understood that the business hall of operators is a place to handle all kinds of communication business, which has now been extended to the field of mobile phone sales, headphones and other spare parts. In August last year, China Unicom launched a mixed ownership reform, working with Tencent, Ali,, Baidu and SUNING to create a new model of integrated marketing and transition to smart retail. Luckin Coffee's cooperation with China Unicom also opened up a new scene for the transformation of its new retail strategy. The reporter learned that Luckin Coffee has established an intelligent service system for issuing orders, ordering, and distribution, and at the same time carries out accurate marketing through big data's user portraits, and his exploration in the new retail field will also become an important partner in the new retail transformation of China Unicom.

The Quancheng Road Unicom Huawei store, is a fast store (pick up). Because the users who handle mobile phone business or buy mobile phones in the business hall are still mainly young people, in the process of business processing and mobile phone trial, a cup of warm coffee becomes a good drink. In addition, the store is located in Jinan's bustling Quancheng Road business district, can serve Shimao International Square, Henglong Square, Greenland Square and other shopping centers and office buildings.

The picture above shows China Unicom Huawei Store, Quancheng Road, Jinan.

The number of users of China Unicom has reached 300 million, and there are more than 10,000 directly operated stores in China. The cooperation between Luckin Coffee and China Unicom is still in its infancy. In the future, more coffee stores will appear in the business hall of China Unicom, and the two sides may interact with each other in the new marketing mode. Depth development of brand cooperation. It is understood that Luckin Coffee's cooperation with communications operators is not only limited to China Unicom, but also settled in a mobile business hall in Chengdu.