Coffee review

Advantages and disadvantages of hand grinder with unique amorous feelings hand grinder does not produce heat

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) hand bean grinder advantages 1, the price is cheap: household manual bean grinder price generally only needs a few dozen yuan, better style and material, also more than a hundred yuan. In the category of bean grinder, the price is the cheapest. 2. Can be furnished in the house

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Advantages of hand bean grinder

1, the price is cheap: the price of the household manual bean grinder is only a few dozen yuan, and the one with better style and material is more than 100 yuan. In the category of bean grinder, the price is the cheapest.

2. can be furnished in the house: the manual bean grinder is mostly made of solid wood or cast iron, with beautiful style and color, in addition to grinding coffee beans, it can also be used as furnishings when not in use.

3. There is an atmosphere: three or five friends get together and take out a hand mill to make coffee, in order to increase the fun of making coffee and make the coffee more atmosphere in the process of making coffee.

4. The thickness of the grinding degree is adjustable: this is a good advantage, which can be adjusted and fixed, so as to ensure that the thickness of each coffee grinding is the same. This is more convenient to control the grinding degree than the electric bean grinder.

5, wide applicability: no power supply, can be used at any time, whether at home, office or outdoors, can be used at any time.

Shortcomings of hand bean grinder

1. Inefficient and laborious: this is indeed a pity of the manual bean grinder. The electric bean grinder can have thousands of revolutions a minute, while the hand mill can only turn a hundred revolutions a minute. Therefore, the efficiency of grinding beans is still quite low. If you grind dozens of grams of coffee beans, you can really make your arms sore.

Hand grinder gives everyone the impression that it is very tired to grind. At present, coffee beans are more popular in the domestic market for medium and deep roasting, and beans are still easy to grind. You can try sitting on a stool, clamping the bean grinder on your knee, and then grinding it. It's easier to say, and you don't have to press down hard.

2, the durability is relatively poor, the adjustment scale is troublesome: the bean trough on the general manual bean grinder is screwed on the wood of the lower seat, after more times of use, the gap between the screw and the wood will increase, resulting in the screw can not be well fixed on the lower seat of the wood, compared with the electric bean grinder, a little worse.

3. The aroma is easy to be lost.

In the process of grinding, it is easy to produce a lot of heat, which aggravates the loss of coffee aroma, which also leads to the coffee aroma will be easily emitted when the hand grinder is grinding. (PS: if you like to grind and smell aroma as much as Enron, then this is not a defect.)

Hand bean grinder because there is no scale prompt, so to change a thickness, such as from the normal pressure to the thickness of the siphon pot, you need to grope for adjustment, wasting some time and beans.

With regard to the relatively uneven hand grinding, mainly because of the design of the grinding plate, most of the hand grinding uses a tapered knife, which is characterized by fast but uneven grinding, and the relatively uniform grinding is parallel sharpening, but parallel grinding is also characterized by slow speed, that is to say, it takes 3-5 times more time to grind the same number of grams of powder, so hand grinding basically does not use parallel grinding.

Parallel grinding knife, you can think of the stone grinding of flour in rural areas, by adjusting the distance between the upper and lower grinding plates to control the powder thickness, high precision and uniform grinding.

Most of the hand grinding is a tapered grinding knife, which is grinded through the channel of the daughter grinding plate, because of the great difference between the upper and lower parts of the grinding knife, the grinding speed is fast but the precision is low.