Coffee review

Coffee hand grinder is better than electric coffee grinder price

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (official Wechat account cafe_style) Grinding with a hand grinder takes time and energy, which is much more troublesome than an electric grinder, which can be done at the push of a button. But why do so many people like to use hand bean grinders? What are the benefits of grinding your own hands? Although people who like to grind their own hands

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Grinding with a manual bean grinder takes time and effort, which is much more troublesome than an electric bean grinder. After all, an electric bean grinder can finish grinding at the push of a button. But why do so many people like to use hand bean grinders? What are the benefits of grinding your own hands?

Although people who like to grind their own hands have different reasons, it is certain that not everyone likes it this way. Here, we assume that each has a hand grinder and an electric bean grinder of the same grade, to compare the advantages of the hand grinder and the electric bean grinder.

The hand bean grinder will not generate heat during grinding.

In theory, the hand bean grinder is less likely to generate heat during grinding, so the flavor of the ground powder will not be affected. While most electric bean grinders run at high speed during grinding, the friction at high speed will slightly increase the temperature of coffee powder in a short period of time, which may change the taste of coffee.

But in fact, the difference caused by this part is so small that even experienced coffee makers may not be able to detect it, and you who make coffee may not notice it.

Although in theory a hand-operated bean grinder may produce better coffee, no one should choose to use it for this reason. Electric bean grinders are used by bakers, cup testers and baristas to grind coffee with good flavor as long as you use freshly roasted coffee.

The hand grinder is smaller and cheaper.

For friends who don't have enough space or a low budget, hand grinders have the advantages of being smaller and cheaper than electric ones.

Like electric grinders, hand grinders come in a variety of shapes and sizes and are distributed in many different price belts. However, advanced hand grinders are much cheaper and take up less space than electric grinders of the same class. An excellent hand bean grinder costs about 3000 yuan, while an equally excellent electric bean grinder may easily cost more than 15000 yuan.