Coffee review

How to make better coffee with a mocha pot? Does the mocha pot need to be opened for cooking?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) Commercial legend of mocha pot Mocha pot is relatively unpopular in China's environment where hand flushing, siphon and Italian coffee are highly respected, but mocha pot is actually a common coffee appliance in European families.

Recently, Biloti launched the latest pressurized mocha pot developed by itself, and then, promoted by some coffee bloggers, the popularity of mocha pot suddenly rose a lot in China, and Qianjie also saw many friends asking for information about mocha pot backstage. So this time let's popularize the science about what kind of coffee appliance the mocha pot is.


The Business Legend of Mocha Pot

Mocha pots are unpopular in an environment where Chinese cups, siphons and espresso are popular, but mocha pots are a common coffee utensil in European families and a must-have for every Italian family. The rise of mocha pot in Italy has something to do with the Italian political, social and economic environment in the 1920s and 1940s. At that time, the espresso machine had been invented and initially popularized, but few families in Italy would make coffee at home, mainly because the espresso machine at that time was too big, bulky and expensive, so if you want to drink coffee, you have to go to a coffee bar.

It wasn't until Alfonso Berlatti (Alfonso Bialett) invented the mocha pot in 1933 that the coffee culture of Italy was transformed.

The invention of the mocha pot

Alfonso Bialetti was an inventor and designer. After returning from his studies in France, Alfonso worked in Italy's thriving aluminum industry at that time. I worked in someone else's factory for ten years. In 1918, Alfonso founded his own factory and opened Bialetti, which began to sell aluminum-related metal products, including household cleaning appliances.

Alfonso is a typical Italian man who wears a pair of small clothes and dresses seriously. in his spare time, he will go to the counter of the coffee bar and raise his hand to ask for a cup of espresso. Alfonso loved coffee very much, and he had thought about making espresso machines, but it was already a mature industry at that time, and the competition was so fierce that it was difficult to enter the market unless he had a lot of money.

One day, Alfonso saw a local laundry, washing clothes by throwing all the clothes into a large sink, the bottom of the sink is hot water and foam, and there is a water pipe in the middle of the sink, which pulls out hot water and soap and sprinkles them on the clothes to wash. Alfonso looked at it and suddenly found that it could be applied to the production of coffee.

So Alfonso began to study a new coffee-making system in the 1920s. At the same time, more and more manufacturers are engaged in the production of espresso machines. They are constantly improving the espresso machine to make it more powerful, more efficient and faster, but it also makes the espresso machine bigger, bulkier and more expensive, and the operation is becoming more and more complex. Most families can't afford it at all and won't use it.


Alfonso decided to take a different approach, and after thinking about it for a long time, he decided to set the core of the design as: "so that ordinary people who have not learned the operation of Italian coffee machines can easily make coffee at home." "after numerous failures and retries, Alfonso invented the mocha pot made of aluminum in 1933.

Anyone who has seen the mocha pot can not help but admit that the design of the mocha pot is simple and perfect, which is divided into three layers: the upper layer is filled with coffee liquid, the middle layer is filled with coffee powder, and the lower layer is filled with water. Stand on the gas stove, a pot of coffee can be easily completed in 5-7 minutes without any extra operation. The design is simple and powerful, elegant and exquisite, and most importantly, it weighs less than 1 kilogram and is about the size of a teapot. Compared with the coffee machine which weighed hundreds of kilograms at that time, it was an epoch-making invention.


A total of 300 million mocha pots have been sold since 1950, and a survey shows that up to 90% of Italian households now have a mocha pot in their kitchen. The mocha pot can achieve unique success, in addition to Alfonso's son Renato Bialetti (Renato Bayerati) in the business world, the biggest reason is Alfonso's classic design. The mocha pot was invented in 1933. More than 80 years later, the mocha pot still retains its original design with almost no change. Just imagine how quickly science and technology has progressed over the past 80 years, but the design of the mocha pot is still unchangeable after a lot of training.

To this day, Bialetti is still the world's leading brand of mocha pots, with an unimaginable global market share of 95% and almost no competitors. Alfonso died in 1970, while Renato died on February 11, 2016. Foreign media reported that Renato's ashes were placed in a mocha pot at the funeral on February 16, 2016, at the request of family members.

You can make a good mocha pot of coffee in five steps.

The mocha pot uses the vapor pressure of boiling hot water to extract coffee close to the flavor of espresso. Although it is not difficult to operate, Qianjie thinks it takes skill at the time of flameout. If the fire is turned off early, the water in the pot does not have enough pressure to be sucked up. If the fire is turned off late, the kettle may dry and smell scorched.

1. Grind the coffee beans into powder (full of powder trough). Separate the upper pot of the mocha pot from the lower pot and fill the lower pot with water (under the pressure relief valve).


two。 Put the coffee powder in the metal filter (powder trough) and gently pat the coffee powder a little bit.


3. Install the powder trough on the lower pot, and then tighten the upper pot. Please make sure that the upper and lower pots are connected. )


4. Under the condition of opening the lid, the fire is heated by direct fire and the firepower is controlled to the extent that the flame does not exceed the bottom of the pot. (because it is possible to boil and overflow, it is recommended to do so with the lid open until you can get the hang of it. If the rack of the gas stove is so spaced that the mocha pot cannot be firmly placed on it, please add a net and heat it with a direct fire. )


5. When the hot water boils and begins to extract the coffee, turn off the heat. When all the extraction is finished, in order to avoid oversteaming, please pour the coffee into the cup as soon as possible.


Many people choose mocha pots. Originally, they just want to find an easier way to make coffee than handcuffs, but they often make bitter coffee, which can only be finished by adding milk to cover it up. In fact, the brewing of the mocha pot can not only adjust the particle thickness of coffee powder, the ratio of water to powder and whether to do some filling and pressure, but also have some tips to avoid those unpleasant bitter taste.

Tips for brewing mocha pots:

1. If you want to make a mocha pot coffee with better flavor, Qianjie thinks that it is necessary to choose fresh and good quality coffee, and grinding before cooking can retain the complete flavor and does not need to be filled with pressure. and grind according to the grinding fineness of hand-made coffee (with high-temperature extraction, so you don't need too fine grinding). If you buy coffee beans from Qianjie, Qianjie will send out coffee beans baked within 5 days, and after 1-2 days of logistics, you can basically pass the 4-7-day breeding period, and the coffee flavor is at its best.

2. Add boiling hot water to the bottom of the mocha pot to shorten the heating time of the mocha pot, reduce the loss of coffee flavor and make the coffee taste less bitter, because the coffee powder will not always be heated on the stove.


3. When you hear that the water under the mocha pot has been evaporated to the sound of bubbles, you have to move quickly to a place where there is no heating source, and cool the kettle with a wet dishcloth to avoid continuous heating and pressure affecting that the water left in the powder trough is extracted, resulting in more bitter taste of coffee.

As long as you minimize the exposure of coffee powder to the air and shorten the heating time of the mocha pot, you will find that you can feel a different aroma at the moment when the coffee comes out, and there is a bright acidity and sweetness in drinking.

However, no one can use any coffee utensils in a short period of time, not to mention that each cup of coffee has different characteristics, and each stew has to be adjusted and corrected in order to approach the perfect cup of coffee in his heart. If you have a mocha pot, you might as well give it a try before you find a satisfactory cooking plan.