Coffee review

How should I use strained coffee? Is the strained coffee plain? Does the coffee taste good?

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) filter coffee can be called a great invention of mankind, it can be a great help to many people who do not have an Italian coffee machine or grinder at home, but when brewing filtered coffee, there is often the problem that the taste is too weak or too strong, how much water should be suitable?

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Filter-hanging coffee can be regarded as a great invention of human beings. it is of great help to many people who do not have an Italian coffee machine or a grinder at home, but when brewing filter coffee, there is often the problem that the taste is too weak or too strong. how much water should be suitable? Is there any way to make coffee taste better? these are mainly problems in brewing coffee.

Prepare materials:

A bag of coffee with earrings is usually about 8g to 14g.

A coffee cup about 300c.c, not too small, at least above 200c.c

Step introduction

The first step: take 14 grams per bag as an example. The amount of water in the hand-flushing pot is between 150 and 200. The barista suggests that 180c.c water is more suitable, but the key point depends on whether the coffee beans are re-roasted, medium-roasted or light-roasted. Another important factor is whether you like to drink strong or light.

The second step: tear the earbag open, open the filter bag inside, hang the ear next to it, please let the earbag hang in the air, do not touch the bottom of the cup.

The third step: then inject hot water between 85 and 92, about 20c.c, wait about 20 seconds, this step is mainly to wet the coffee powder.

Step 4: then slowly inject water into the earbag, then extract 150~200c.c mellow coffee liquid.



For young office workers with a fast pace of life, Yamanaka Industrial Co., Ltd. of Japan applies the concept of tea bag to coffee. Filter-hanging coffee was invented, but the initial ear-hanging design was only unilateral on the upper edge of the filter bag, the supporting force was uneven, and the opening could not be fully opened, and the consumer experience was not good, so there was no successful commercialization.


In 1996, the same Japanese company, Daji, improved the original invention and moved the ear to the lower edge of the filter bag.

In 1999, Daji developed bilateral ears and applied for patents, so that today's filter-hanging coffee has become the mainstream of the market.

East Asian market

Why can filter coffee grow rapidly in East Asia? The reason is that it combines the advantages of instant and hand-brewed coffee. In 2011, global sales of filter coffee reached 1.4 billion packets, 94% of which came from Japan, where Starbucks also launched filter coffee.