Coffee review

How to choose the filter paper for hand brewed coffee| What is special about different filter paper shapes?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) For those who just want to touch hand-brewed coffee, all kinds of filter cups and filter papers are dazzling. So what's the difference between the different filter papers? How do we choose the right filter paper? In Follicular Coffee

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

For beginners who want to get in touch with hand-brewed coffee, all kinds of filter cups and filter papers are dazzling. What is the difference between so many kinds of filter paper? How should we choose the right filter paper?

When using coffee filter paper in follicular coffee, in addition to isolating coffee grounds, be sure to choose a filter paper suitable for the size of the filter cup, and pay attention to the thickness and density. Too thin and sparse filter paper will make the water flow too fast and absorb part of the oil. Proper filter paper thickness can make the coffee liquid clearer, and colleagues can evenly soak and extract the essence of coffee to get a purer coffee flavor.

Classified by production process, bleaching and non-bleaching:

1. Bleaching: coffee filter paper looks whiter after several stages of bleaching.

2, no bleaching: refers to coffee filter paper without bleaching, filter paper looks close to light brown.

Advantages: high convenience, throw away after use, can also change the brand; flush out taste is cleaner; less impurity smell.

Disadvantages: less environmentally friendly use of paper, non-bleached paper will have paper flavor, oil will be filtered out, resulting in coffee taste non-greasy, get a cleaner taste.

Classified by shape, cone filter paper, fan filter paper, cake filter paper:

1, tapered filter paper

The V60 filter cup mentioned above is suitable for conical filter paper, because of the groove design of V60, it can increase the number of coffee powder disturbance and tumbling in the filter cup, and the tapered filter paper can form a tilt angle of 60 °with the filter cup. The internal ribs are designed with a Radian vortex structure to assist in speeding up the flow of water, extending from the bottom to the top, indicating that the exhaust effect is smooth and can do flooding, fast flushing and other techniques. But the coffee powder will not be soaked in the filter cup for too long, which is why the V60 filter cup can make the flavor very wide, but also can do very meticulous at the same time.

2, fan filter paper

Our kalita fan-shaped filter cup is arranged with three holes, and the smart cup has a piston structure. The ribs on the wall of the cup are distributed in a straight line, and the distance between the ribs is the same, in order to increase the speed of exhaust and flow. At the same time, its flow rate is relatively slow, mainly by soaking extraction, the flow rate is slower, so the extraction time of coffee will be longer.

At the same time, pay attention to the degree of fit between the filter paper and the filter cup, if the filter paper will fit the lower hole, it may cause the flow rate to be too slow so that the extraction is excessive, and the coffee has a bitter taste, so you should choose the matching filter paper, the fan-shaped filter paper we use is thinner and the water passes through the filter paper faster, so that the coffee powder will not be soaked for too long and the bad taste will not be extracted.

3, cake filter paper

The waves are designed to allow coffee to flow directly out of the filter cup, also known as the wave filter cup. There are three holes at the bottom of the wave filter cup, the flat design makes the water flow evenly, and it is not as fast as the conical flow rate. The shape of the cake cup filter paper is very three-dimensional, which aims to reduce the area of the filter paper to paste the filter cup and create the largest extraction area; on the one hand, it can help concentrate the extraction, and hot water can drip down evenly and smoothly, making coffee extraction more smooth, and on the other hand, it can also slow down the cooling rate.