Coffee review

Mocha pot | the origin of mocha pot the development of mocha pot

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The product of Italian coffee culture because of the size of these early espresso machines, they are only suitable for commercial use. In an American-style bar, customers stand at the counter and order coffee. In an increasingly industrialized society, this fast service is ideal for workers who need a quick cup of coffee on the road, a tradition that continues to this day. The mocha pot was invented in Italy.

The product of Italian coffee culture

Because of the size of these early espresso machines, they were only suitable for commercial use. In an American-style bar, customers stand at the counter and order coffee. In an increasingly industrialised society, this fast service is ideal for workers who need a quick cup of coffee on the road-a tradition that continues to this day.

The mocha pot was invented in Italy and is a natural continuation of the country's coffee culture.

Coffee was first introduced into Italy in the 16th century as a strange and expensive luxury. As a result, it is mainly spent by wealthy Italians in commercial cafes. These institutions prepare and serve coffee in pots by hot dipping.

The growth in demand has prompted innovators to look for ways to make coffee more effectively. Since 1884, the steam pressure brewing coffee machine has been patented for the first time and put on the market. This new method greatly shortens the extraction time, allowing fresh coffee to be served quickly-or "explicitly".

This is an example of pressurized percolation. The espresso machine works under the pressure of boiling water, forcing steam through the ground coffee beans. This will produce a strong flavor concentrate that is suitable for quick consumption.

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