Coffee review

Which Guangzhou Cafe recommends a good Guangzhou boutique cafe Dongshankou's own baking?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the front street of coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)-the arrival of the third wave of boutique coffee in self-roasting cafes, which has promoted the rapid development of the coffee industry, not only the concept, pursuit and traceability of boutique coffee, but also promoted the development of another industry phenomenon, that is, self-roasting in cafes. Off

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Front Street-own Bakery Cafe

The attack of the third wave of boutique coffee has promoted the rapid development of the coffee industry, not only the concept, pursuit and traceability of boutique coffee, but also promoted the development of another industry phenomenon, that is, self-roasting in cafes.

With regard to self-baking, it is not difficult to say that this is a deeper development trend of the coffee industry. In fact, home baking is not easy, to buy good raw beans, after many times of baking to determine the curve, through the cup test to test the flavor of coffee, even if the curve is found to bring defective flavor, even if the adjustment. This requires a lot of energy, time and money for both bakers and cup testers.

The reason why you want to do your own baking, maybe many cafe owners will say affectionately that they want to have their own characteristics and style. It can be said that self-baking is the trend of the times. For the boutique coffee market, self-baking is the blooming of a hundred flowers in the industry, with more comparability and choice.

With the continuous development of boutique coffee, the origin of raw beans has become more transparent and traceable, to understand the story behind raw coffee beans, efforts and so on.

Qianjie, as a cafe that has persisted in self-baking for six years, has always persisted and dare not be said to be a leader in the industry, but from the very beginning, it has been doing its own baking model, which is rarely seen in the industry. It also insists on baking curves many times, and selects the best curve with multiple cup test results for standardized operation.

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