Coffee review

The difference between coffee and wine aroma tanning method and traditional tanning method can alcoholic aroma solarization also make a difference?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In recent years, innovative and innovative treatments have emerged one after another. in addition to all kinds of honey treatment, there are also many ways to improve the sun and washing. This time Qianjie Coffee has come to unveil the mystery of wine-scented sun treatment. What is the difference between the wine-scented sun and the traditional sun? What is the difference between wine tanning and oak barrel fermentation? Boutique manor a hundred schools of thought contend, contend for the wind,

In recent years, innovative and innovative treatments have emerged one after another. in addition to all kinds of honey treatment, there are also many ways to improve the sun and washing. This time Qianjie Coffee has come to unveil the mystery of wine-scented sun treatment. What is the difference between the wine-scented sun and the traditional sun? What is the difference between wine tanning and oak barrel fermentation?

A hundred schools of thought contend, the style and flavor of the boutique manor contend, and the manors in the international market compete for beauty. Even if it is tanning treatment, it has developed a variety of different styles. For "sun-treated cherries", the most important thing is the maturity and drying degree of the fruit. Coffee cherries with near-mature and extremely high sugar content have rich levels of flavor changes after various drying styles.

The drying process of wine aroma can be divided into three stages. For example, coffee cherries are reduced by drying at first, then dried to six centimeters, and finally completed from six centimeters to six centimeters. Each stage takes different time, resulting in differences in coffee flavor.

The aroma of wine can also make a difference.

In general, the longer it takes to dry from ten kilograms to seven kilograms, the stronger the natural aroma will be in the first stage. However, it is not just to prolong the drying time to bring absolutely good flavor. The first stage has the highest water content and is prone to deterioration, which requires moderate stirring and uniform drying skillfully without direct sunlight.

Usually in the first stage, the coffee cherry has been fermented internally, producing a mellow aroma like red wine, according to this development, you can naturally get a high-quality flavor. But the reason why the second stage is important is that the process can adjust the flavor. As the first stage brings impressive rich fermented aroma, the second stage of drying, in Ethiopia and Brazil, some estates will be mixed with a little water to wash beans, balance the strong sense of sun fermentation, and only retain the rich aroma changes like red wine. according to the proportion of each manor added, some differences in micro-processing methods, so that each manor wine sunburn, has its own unique flavor characteristics.

Wine drying and oak barrel fermentation, traditional solarization

It is neither the use of fruit treatment to expose grapes and coffee beans together, nor oak barrel fermentation to enhance the sense of fermentation through honey treatment, let alone traditional sun treatment. Wine flavor sun in the initial selection of beans, more careful selection of ripe fruits, longer exposure time, farmers need to constantly check the appearance of wine aroma of raw beans.

Long-time fermentation, test judgment technology and control ability, most used with African scaffolding, blowing a breeze into the bottom of the shed, synchronous stirring the top of the ripe fruit, although time-consuming, laborious, difficult skills, but can eliminate the uneven drying. Due to the excellent flavor and acid quality, more and more producing countries and manors follow. Although Central America has to prolong the drying time of fully hydrated ripe fruits in higher humidity than in Brazil, due to slow drying, there are more and more high-quality wine-scented sun-dried beans.

The flavor is clean, varied and rich.

In the process of wine tasting, the most interesting thing is that it has a level change close to that of sun treatment, without the wine feeling of oak barrel fermentation, and pays more attention to the delicate flower and fruit aroma than the above two.

Mild and smooth, easy to taste, delicate floral aroma, rich layers of fruit acidity, and light sweet as high mountain tea, no matter which manor's wine-scented sun-cured coffee beans, almost all get this evaluation: fresh juice. Selected fully ripe fruit, its own texture does not matter, coupled with a long time of ripening, careful care, no wonder the wine has the change of the sun, but also has high-quality acid and clean washing.