Coffee review

What are the benefits and benefits of drinking cold-extracted coffee? introduction to the specific flavor and taste of cold-extracted coffee with powder and water

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, Sometimes a cup of hot coffee is too hot for a morning drink. And if you live in a warm environment or in summer, you may never want to drink hot coffee. A cup of cold coffee can solve the problem. Fortunately for everyone, this type of coffee drink is popular every day. As

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A few days ago, Starbucks data showed that sales of cold drinks now account for 70% of total beverage sales. Among them, cold coffee is increasingly loved by a new generation of consumers. Why is a simple cold brew so popular? In this article, we will talk about the charm of low-temperature extracted coffee.

The Science Behind Cold Extraction

Many people choose cold-brewed coffee not only for its easy drinking temperature, but also for its smooth, full-bodied coffee taste and better display of the unique aroma of a coffee bean.

Unlike hot/hot coffee, cold coffee is a coffee product that uses cold or room temperature water to soak coffee powder and refrigerate it for 8-12 hours.


In terms of flavor, high temperature will cause tannic acid in coffee to decompose and cause acid and bitterness. Studies have shown that cold extraction coffee has 67% less acid than hot extraction. Cold-extracted coffee is generally welcomed because of its low acidity.

Low temperature conditions and prolonged contact with coffee powder make only small molecules of flavor substances extracted; therefore, only small molecules such as fruit acids and flowers are dissolved. Those flavor substances with large molecules, such as smoky flavor, baking flavor, etc., are difficult to extract.


This is why cold coffee smells less aromatic, but tastes smoother. Using the same coffee beans, cold coffee will taste fuller and cleaner than hot coffee ~

Cold coffee beans recommended


Front Street Coffee-Yegashefi Sun-cured Red Cherry Coffee Bean Country: Ethiopia Origin: Yegashefi Elevation: 2300m Variety: Local Native Species Treatment: Sun-cured Flavor: Berry, lemon, strawberry, fermented aroma


Front Street Coffee-Flower Butterfly Coffee Bean

Country: Panama

Production area: Poquet

Altitude: 1600m

Variety: 70% Crescia +30% Kadura Kaduai

Treatment method: washing treatment

Flavor: floral, citrus, nutty, tea, honey


Front Street Coffee-Shirley Coffee Bean

Country: Honduras

Region: Massaguaramoca Estate

Altitude: 1500-1700m

Breeds: Kadura, Kaduai, Pakas

Treatment: Whiskey barrel fermentation treatment

Flavor: Whisky, vanilla cream, almond, black chocolate, caramel

How to make cold coffee

If you want cold coffee to taste good, it is important to use fresh roasted coffee beans! All coffee beans sold by Front Street Coffee are sent out within 5 days after roasting, in the original bean state. Although there is a generation of grinding service, but the front street is still recommended to everyone to grind fresh extract, so that the aroma and taste of coffee will be better and more complete.

When you make cold coffee, grind it to a medium fine/white granulated sugar size, then put it in a clean container that can be sealed, add water in a ratio of 1:10-1:13, and put it in the refrigerator for 8-12 hours.


After extraction, use filter paper/filter tool to filter coffee grounds and obtain coffee solution is cold extraction coffee ~ after filtration and sealed storage, the best taste period is 72 hours, the shelf life is recommended not to exceed 5 days.

What are the benefits and effects of drinking cold coffee?

Cold coffee has more caffeine

The amount of caffeine depends on the type of coffee and how long it has been extracted. The longer the extraction time, the higher the caffeine content. Therefore, coffee extracted slowly at low temperatures has a better refreshing effect than coffee extracted quickly at high temperatures.


Cold-extracted coffee has weak acidity

Cold coffee is more alkaline than hot coffee. Hot coffee has a higher concentration of titratable acidic compounds and a lower pH. If you are prone to acid reflux or heartburn, hot brewed coffee can trigger these discomfort. Again, cold-brewed coffee may not be one of the many advantages of this beverage.