Coffee review

Coffee varieties in El Salvador and inheriting the Pacas and Pacamara flavors of the Pacas family

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, El Salvador's coffee is famous for its smooth creamy aroma, sweet toffee, mellow nut and cocoa flavor, and sometimes the taste of ripe fruit, with a balanced acidity, harmonious sweetness and charming tone. bring a pleasant and gentle feeling to the drinker. Variety of coffee beans in El Salvador, mainly iron pickup Ty

El Salvador's coffee is famous for its smooth creamy aroma, sweet toffee, mellow nut and cocoa flavor, and sometimes the taste of ripe fruit, with a balanced acidity, harmonious sweetness and charming tone. bring a pleasant and gentle feeling to the drinker.

The coffee beans in El Salvador are mainly iron pickup Typica, bourbon Bourbon, Pacas Pacas and Pacamara Pacamara, among which Pacas Pacas and Pacamara Pacamara are discovered and cultivated by the Pacas family.

Pacas Pacas, a variety of bourbon Bourbon, belongs to the variety with rich and stable yield and good quality, and is also one of the high-quality coffee varieties preferred in Central America, while Pacamara Pacamara, which is the combination of Pacas Pacas and elephant beans, is round, full-thickness, full-bodied, full-bodied, balanced and smooth, and of excellent quality. It can be said to be the ultimate selection of El Salvador boutique coffee.


The Pacas family has been in El Salvador for more than 150 years and is now in its fifth generation. It is one of the most influential roles in the development of Salvadoran coffee. The Pacas family mainly has 19 farms growing coffee, all of which are located in the Apaneca-Ilamatepec generation in western El Salvador, from manors, processing plants, coffee roasters, coffee exports. And so on, the one-stop operation developed very well, and the Pacas Pacas variety was discovered in 1949, and the Pacamara Pacamara variety with excellent export feeling and excellent quality was cultivated in 1958, which added another glorious history to the Pacas family and made Salvadoran coffee famous all over the world again.