Coffee review

Kenyan boutique manor coffee beans John Mark Manor Sunshine Marseilles Micro batch

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Kenya boutique Manor Coffee beans Origin: Kenya Manor name: Kenya John Mark Manor Sunshine Marseilles Micro-batch treatment: sun beans: 100% Arabica SL28SL34 Flavor: caramel Luoshenhua wine brewed pineapple tropical fruit juice sweet finish mellow rich baking: shallow roasting altitude: 18

Kenyan boutique manor coffee beans

Origin of coffee beans: Kenya

Manor name: Kenya John Mark Manor Sunshine Marseilles Micro batch

Treatment: insolation

Beans: 100% Arabica SL28 SL34

Flavor: caramel Luoshenhua wine brewed pineapple tropical fruit juice with sweet taste and mellow finish

Baking degree: shallow baking

Altitude: 1850m

Coffee flavor

Various nutrients from raw coffee beans are thermally degraded into various odor molecular structures under baking, producing flavors similar to those of various aromas. Good coffee beans are naturally rich in aroma, and in high temperature, medium temperature, low temperature, there will be a variety of natural aroma changes, very pleasant, worthy of careful taste.

Kenya Coffee (Kenya) is an important producer of boutique coffee in East Africa. Most of the country's population is engaged in the coffee industry, mostly in the form of a combination of small farmers and cooperatives. Most of the coffee trees of Kenyan coffee are planted at high altitudes. There are many producing areas in Kenya that strive to preserve the native forest ecosystem, protect the natural gene pool, support the reproduction of wild coffee varieties and breed a variety of coffee trees.

Arabica SL28 and SL34

In 1930, the unique Kenyan varieties SL28 and SL34, which were cultivated and named by Scott Laboratories laboratory, were born under a good primary forest ecosystem.

SL28 has a mixed pedigree of French missionaries, mochas and Yemens Tibica. The goal of cultivating SL28 was to mass produce coffee beans with high quality and resistance to diseases and insect pests. Although the yield of SL28 was not as high as expected, the copper leaf color and broad bean-shaped beans have great sweetness, balance and complex flavor, as well as remarkable citrus and black plum characteristics. SL34 and SL28 are similar in flavor, except for the complex acidity and great sweetness of the finish, which is heavier, fuller and drier than SL28. SL34 has French missionaries, bourbon, and more Tibica ancestry. Dou looks similar to SL28, but is more adaptable to sudden heavy rain.


Treatment method (Coffee Processes)

It refers to the process of turning ripe red fruit into dried raw beans. each treatment method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and is affected by the natural environment and demand of the producing area, so each producing area has its own suitable treatment method. This batch is solarization treatment.

Natural / Sundried / Dry Processed by tanning method

Also known as natural drying and non-washing treatment, the collected coffee fruit is dried in the sun and shelled, absorbing the taste of the peel and pulp during the long exposure process, while making the coffee more sweet and mellow and easy to produce unique aroma.