Coffee review

What is the annual output of boutique coffee beans at the Jade Manor of Panama (Geisha Geisha)

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Geisha, a rare treasure, is the most legendary rose summer coffee variety in the new world. Her pinyin Geisha has caused a great controversy among coffee people in Europe and the United States. The mainland and other regions are often called Rose Summer because of transliteration. Because the pronunciation is the same as the southern Fujian language geisha, so Taiwan is often jokingly called geisha. A sip will have national beauty, beautiful reverie, for coffee.

Geisha, a rare treasure, is the most legendary rose summer coffee variety in the new world. Her pinyin Geisha has caused a great controversy among coffee people in Europe and the United States. The mainland and other regions are often called Rose Summer because of transliteration. Because the pronunciation is the same as the southern Fujian language geisha, so Taiwan is often jokingly called geisha. A sip will have national beauty, charming reverie, add a little romance to the coffee.

In 2004, the horticultural geisha of the Emerald Village of Panama came down from the sky. The price is rising from $21 per pound of raw beans. It rose to $50.25 in 2006 and won the SCAA title for the third time in 2007, soaring to a whopping $130 a pound. The industry once thought this was the ultimate price for the auction of boutique coffee beans. Unexpectedly, in 2010, the emerald geisha won the title of "the best coffee in Panama" for the sixth time (Best of Panama, referred to as BOP). The price soared to a record high, soaring to $170.2 per pound.

No one knows how long the Panamanian geisha will soar. Emerald Manor has also become the coffee farm with the highest frequency of award-winning in the world. In 2006, Hurley, director of quality control and famous cup tester of Green Mountain Coffee, was invited to serve as a BOP judge. He tasted the orange honey and floral charm of a geisha for the first time and exclaimed, "I finally saw the face of God in the coffee cup!" The Emerald Manor has since become a pilgrimage for boutique coffee fans around the world.


The annual output of jadeite geisha is only 100 bags. In recent years, although Feicui Manor continues to reclaim land and increase production, the output of geisha is still limited. The annual output has increased from 50 to 100 bags at the beginning to about 100 to 200 bags at present, with an annual output of no more than 12 tons. In a bad year with a bad climate, it even produces only 3 tons.

The most valuable version of the top geisha has an annual output of only 200,000,300 kilograms. In addition to geisha, Jade Manor also has Iron pickup, Kaddura and Katuai. The total output of coffee beans is about 4000 bags a year, which means that geisha account for only 4% or 5% of the total coffee production of Jade Manor at most.