Coffee review

The difference between single and double Italian Coffee extraction time and temperature Standard of Italian Coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, What we call espresso is the basic coffee of fancy coffee, which is divided into single and double or more when making coffee. Italian coffee extraction standard, the standard espresso extraction method is about 7 grams of powder 30 milliliters of water, semi-automatic professional coffee machine through high pressure extraction into an ounce cup

What we call espresso is the basic coffee of fancy coffee, which is divided into single and double or more when making coffee. Italian coffee extraction standard, the standard espresso extraction method is about 7 grams of powder 30 milliliters of water, semi-automatic professional coffee machine through high pressure extraction into the ounce cup of coffee is basically one ounce. The excess water has been absorbed by the coffee powder. This is one or a cup of espresso. Espresso single espresso Single Espresso is the basic espresso, is the most popular coffee in Europe, the amount is very small, basically drink one or two sips to solve. Double Espresso, double espresso, and Double Espresso refers to the amount of double Single Espresso added together. Generally speaking, Italian coffee beans are made of deep-roasted coffee beans, which are mellow and mellow.


Espresso is based on espresso. It is a very strong drink, brought in without hypocrisy, and some people call it Kung Fu Coffee! Why do you call it kung fu coffee? Because a good cup of espresso needs to pass through the high pressure of 15bar, let the water vapor flow quickly through the compacted coffee powder, extract a fine sand-like powder to extract an essential coffee liquid, the time is no more than 30 seconds, the temperature can not exceed 90 degrees Celsius, the manual power of pressing the powder should be at least more than 20 kilograms, and the coffee oil should be 3 mm thick. So it takes some work to get a good cup of espresso!