Coffee review

What is Flat White fragrant white coffee fragrant white coffee and latte taste practice

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Froy White Coffee, which is popular at Starbucks, was originally referred to as fresh milk espresso and FlatWhite literally translated as plain white coffee. Chinese Starbucks is named Fu Rui White Coffee, which comes from fancy coffee from New Zealand and Australia. It is rumored that during World War II, Italians emigrated to New Zealand and Australia and introduced coffee culture

Froy White Coffee, which is popular at Starbucks, was originally referred to as fresh milk espresso and Flat White literally translated as plain white coffee. Chinese Starbucks is named Fu Rui White Coffee, which comes from fancy coffee from New Zealand and Australia. It is said that during World War II, Italians emigrated to New Zealand and Australia and brought coffee culture to the region, which gave rise to Flat White coffee in the 1980s.

When it comes to lattes, they are bound to mention milk, they are like a couple, the fresh milk espresso is inseparable, you have me, I have you, the smooth taste with a stronger aroma of mellow coffee, people can not stop.

When it comes to Flat White coffee, the proportion of milk is similar to that of cappuccino Cappuccino, but the fineness of the upper layer is similar to that of latte and less foam, and the taste is between latte and cappuccino, but after it is spread to different countries, the practice is slightly different.


The method of making Furei White Coffee

Take Espresso espresso as the base, brew a portion of Espresso in a coffee machine and boil hot fresh milk. Flat White's milk foam belongs to fine milk bubbles, similar to lattes. Pour the boiled milk into Espresso and add 5mm foam to the top layer. The espresso and fresh milk of Flat White are about 2.5 ~ 3, and the dense milk bubbles on the top layer are about 5mm.