Coffee review

The competition in the domestic coffee shop market will be further intensified.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In the past month, the Platinum Coffee Institute has hosted many cafe investment institutions, including this group of representatives of Singaporean investment institutions at noon today, there should be no less than 10, including many with strong strength. Generally speaking, I have three impressions of these cafe investment institutions: (1) the strength is strong, especially the financial resources are undoubtedly very strong. (2) full of confidence and a lot of ideas

In the past month, Platinum Coffee College has received many coffee shop investment institutions for six consecutive years, including this group of Singapore investment institution representatives at noon today, there should be no less than ten, among which there are many powerful ones. Overall, I have three impressions of these cafe investment institutions:

(1)Strong, especially financial resources are undoubtedly very strong.

(2)Full of confidence, lots of ideas. Words can feel that these investors usually do not Starbucks, COSTA and other big names in the eyes, hehe.

(3)Beijing or Shanghai will be the first stop for these emerging giants to expand their businesses.

Obviously, the competition situation of domestic coffee shop market will be further intensified, not only small and medium-sized self-owned brand coffee shops, but also some large-scale chain brands will face more competitive impact. With the intensification of competition, soaring labor costs and rising land prices of shops, the whole cafe business format will accelerate the reshuffle, including shop leasing, business content, all links of the game rules are likely to change. Bolan Coffee Academy has many practical cases, including government-funded projects. As our exploration matures, we will share our experience with our friends in the industry, hoping to give more reference to our peers.