Coffee review

What are the effects of milk tea and coffee?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Milk tea contains large amounts of milk essence, a trans fatty acid that reduces male hormone secretion and inhibits sperm motility; it also affects egg quality and increases the risk of infertility and fetal malformations. Trans fatty acids can affect hormone synthesis, which may lead to irregular menstruation, sexual dysfunction and so on. The content of trans fatty acids in natural foods is almost zero, so it is difficult to be accepted and eliminated by the human body.

Milk tea contains large amounts of milk essence, a trans fatty acid that reduces male hormone secretion and inhibits sperm motility; it also affects egg quality and increases the risk of infertility and fetal malformations. Trans fatty acids can affect hormone synthesis, which may lead to irregular menstruation, sexual dysfunction and so on. The content of trans fatty acid in natural food is almost zero, so it is difficult to be accepted and digested by the human body, and it is easy to lead to multiple disorders in physiological function. It is a food additive made entirely by human beings. In fact, it is also a "killer" of human health.

1. Easy to get fat

Trans fatty acids are not easily digested by the human body and are easy to accumulate in the abdomen, leading to obesity.

Drinking more milk tea has a lot of disadvantages to the human body. Milk tea is high in sugar, oil and calories. The cream added by milk tea is mostly made from coconut oil, which contains a lot of saturated fatty acids, which will accelerate the production of cholesterol in the body, blood fat will also rise rapidly, forming vascular hardening, drinking in large quantities for a long time, and it is easy to suffer from chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

Statistics have shown that if you drink a lot of milk tea for more than three months, your blood fat and cholesterol will rise. Milk tea is only a combination of oil and sugar, because cream is not a milk product, and milk tea contains a lot of sugar, almost no calcium and does great harm to the body. It is best not to drink milk tea every day, drink at most one or two cups a week to relieve your cravings.

2. Aggravate hypertension

Caffeine is often combined with other simple painkillers because of its analgesic effect, but if you take it in large quantities for a long time, if you already have high blood pressure, using a lot of caffeine will only make your situation worse. Because caffeine alone can raise blood pressure, coupled with emotional stress, it can have a dangerous multiplication effect, so people at risk of high blood pressure should especially avoid drinking caffeinated drinks during stressful times at work. Some people who have been drinking coffee for many years think they are immune to the effects of caffeine, but this is not the case. One study shows that blood pressure can rise for up to 12 hours after drinking a cup of coffee.

The trans fatty acids in milk tea will increase the viscosity and cohesion of human blood, which can easily lead to the formation of thrombus, especially for the elderly with fragile blood vessel wall.

3. Induce osteoporosis.

Caffeine itself has a very good diuretic effect, if you drink a lot of coffee for a long time, it is easy to cause bone loss, which will adversely affect the preservation of bone mass, and may increase the threat of osteoporosis for women. But the premise is that people who don't get enough calcium in their daily diet, or people who don't always move, plus women after menopause, calcium loss caused by lack of estrogen, coupled with a large amount of caffeine, may pose a threat to bones. If you can enjoy it in a reasonable amount, can you still stop eating for fear of choking?

4. Make a mess when you are nervous

Caffeine helps to increase alertness, agility, memory and concentration. But drinking more coffee than you are used to will produce the same dose of stimulants that you are used to, which can cause nervousness. For people with anxiety disorders, caffeine can worsen symptoms such as sweaty palms, palpitations and tinnitus.

5. Prone to infertility

The researchers found that women who drank one cup of coffee a day were more likely to suffer from infertility than those who did not drink coffee. Experts have investigated 104 women who have the habit of drinking coffee, of which about 50 are not easy to get pregnant. Some fertility experts believe that this is a small-scale study that cannot finally confirm the special effect of coffee on fertility. However, the researchers stressed that if there is no medical explanation for the cause of infertility, it should be considered that infertility is related to caffeine.

The trans fatty acids in milk tea can reduce the secretion of male hormones, have a negative impact on sperm activity, and interrupt the reaction process of sperm in the body.

6. Harm to the fetus

In pregnant or lactating women, excessive intake of foods containing trans fatty acids can affect the health of the fetus. Studies have found that fetuses or babies can passively ingest trans fatty acids through the placenta or breast milk, and they are more likely to suffer from essential fatty acid deficiency than adults, affecting growth and development.

7. Increase the risk of myocardial infarction

Doctors at the School of Public Health at Boston University studied 858 women who first had a heart attack at the age of 45 to 69 and 858 women who had never had a heart attack for four years. Drinking five or more cups of coffee a day increased women's risk of heart attack by 70 percent, and the risk increased with the amount of coffee they drank.

Trans fatty acids can reduce cholesterol levels that effectively prevent heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases, according to a new study by the French National Institute of Health and Medicine.

8. Easy to cause diabetes

Through research and analysis, researchers in Finland and the United States found that both countries are the largest consumers of coffee, resulting in the largest number of people suffering from diabetes in these two countries. Among them, Finns have the largest coffee consumption in the world, and the country has the largest number of people with diabetes in the world. Other Nordic countries also consume a lot of coffee and have a large number of people suffering from diabetes. On the contrary, the Japanese have the lowest coffee consumption in the world and the least people with diabetes.

The researchers believe that the caffeine contained in coffee drinks can be precipitated into fetal tissue through the pancreas, especially in the fetal liver and brain, so that postnatal babies may develop diabetes.

It can be seen that drinking too much coffee can lead to a series of problems, especially for women. So for the sake of health, we should reduce the consumption of coffee.