Coffee review

Why should someone else teach you the skills of success in running a cafe?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Share what you see in other people's websites. .... .... Everyone must take this sentence to the bottom of their hearts and chew it well.

I saw it on someone else's website.

Share it with everyone.



We all have to chew this sentence from the bottom of our hearts.

Have you ever seen a very popular "rescue campaign" in Japan?

In the unit item that makes different plans according to the case, there are always two formulas:

The analysis of the causes, the efforts made for the sale, and the ultimate success.

On the other hand, in the constantly staged version, the celebrities and culinary celebrities are always hairy, confused, picky,

Even mistreatment and rescue workers as much as they can.

Every time such a bad situation occurs, my young and well-protected children will suffer:

"can't he be nice to him?"

And I always have the same answer:

"Why should someone teach you the skills of success?"

Yes, "Why?" I myself have read this sentence just as deeply.

When I entered the workplace in the late 18s, I often met my supervisor who was willing to "abuse" me, or got a lot of money.

The boss, who was desperate, asked me to work overtime or take a holiday for him as much as he could.

Or I met an extremely hairy supervisor who asked me to abide by his philosophy of life and business.

What's more, there is no comparison with the boss who always let me die.

Whenever I encounter this kind of role, I always think, "how can I be happy?"

I want to die because of this problem. Every time I leave that position, I always go out and have a good time.

I have come to thank myself for the hard work of these days, but I always fall into the "curse of the victim". I think I have escaped and I can't get anything.

As a result, I vowed to be a humane boss for the sake of the system and treat my staff as if they were my own.

But from the little executive who cried for three days about cutting the new guy, now I'm a hairy and cool person, and this has taught me a very important thing:

"if you don't have the heart, how can I teach you?"

A friend who is now the deputy captain once said that everyone's landing skills are different.

You have to go through all the previous instructors in order to figure out your way, but how to learn

You have to rely on your initiative to go to school and learn. No matter whether you teach you or not, you have to keep your eyes open.

And often want to learn from the right way to teach you, you must be able to cooperate with his requirements and advice.

We should also communicate with him with the greatest patience and inferiority. Up to now, he earns more than 100,000 yuan a month.

Compared with the arrogance of getting an executive license from the United States seven years ago, he has worked in housing, housing and landing more than a thousand times.

Now he has more patience of humility, courtesy, and tolerance.

It is also possible that you have met this kind of supervisor now, which often makes your life worse than death.

Maybe, because of the boss's unreasonable request, you think that self-esteem is more important than development.

However, in such a beautiful and difficult environment, he can live better than you.

Moreover, there are many skills and ways to survive, which are worth worrying about.

As long as one day, you have not yet realized your dreams and goals, you should learn this sentence:

"what do people teach you?"

That's what work is like.

Or, show your self-esteem; go.

Otherwise, put your self-esteem in your pocket; be patient.