Coffee review

Yunnan Baoshan Coffee Export reaches a New High

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Baoshan City speeds up the development of coffee planting industry and continues to expand the export of coffee-based agricultural products.

Last year, the export of Baoshan coffee reached a record high of 14000 tons, with an export value of 230 million yuan, accounting for more than 90 percent of the export trade of Baoshan agricultural products. The export area also expanded to Europe, the United States, the Middle East, South Korea, Japan, South Africa and Southeast Asia and other countries and regions.

In recent years, Baoshan City has actively promoted the hygiene record registration management of export food production enterprises to help enterprises obtain export qualifications and obtain "ID cards" and "passes" for food export. We will strengthen certification and accreditation and speed up the construction of regional record-keeping of export food bases and the construction of demonstration zones for the quality and safety of agricultural products for export. Promote the standardization, standardization and internationalization of export enterprises. In terms of strengthening supervision, personnel of the Tengchong entry-exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau went deep into the fields and production workshops to ensure and improve product quality. The inspection and quarantine department strictly implements the fee reduction policy, reduces the cost of customs clearance for enterprises, actively creates opportunities to train visa personnel of origin, and provides visa facilities for enterprises. A total of 70 certificates of origin were issued in the first half of this year, with a visa value of US $18.01 million. Based on a 5 per cent discount, exporters can enjoy a tariff reduction of US $900500 from the importing country. With the help of the government and the inspection and quarantine department, there are five new coffee export enterprises in Baoshan this year, and nearly 5000 tons of new enterprises are exported.