Coffee review

Why can't coffee made from siphon pot make cappuccino?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Many curry friends like to order a cappuccino when they go to Starbucks. Cappuccino is a typical Italian coffee. Espresso is extracted by an Italian coffee machine, and then a mellow cappuccino with milk is added. Today, a friend asked the editor: why can't coffee made in a siphon pot make cappuccino? Why do we have to use Italian coffee machine to extract Espresso? Ami YAMI

Many curry friends like to order a cappuccino when they go to Starbucks. Cappuccino is a typical Italian coffee. Espresso is extracted by an Italian coffee machine, and then a mellow cappuccino with milk is added. Today, a friend asked the editor: why can't coffee made in a siphon pot make cappuccino? Why do we have to use Italian coffee machine to extract Espresso?

Ami YAMI/1 / 3-person siphon pot / set cappuccino is a fancy coffee with a rich taste, with the sweetness of milk and the mellowness of coffee, thanks to espresso extracted by an Italian coffee machine, with milk and milk bubbles. A little more chocolate is mocha coffee. On the other hand, the coffee extracted by the siphon pot is relatively thin, which is more suitable for extracting single coffee, without sugar or milk, to experience the most primitive flavor of single coffee. This kind of coffee is not suitable for cappuccino or mocha coffee, because the coffee is relatively thin. coupled with rich milk foam will become more like a cup of milk rather than coffee, reflecting the original flavor of coffee.

Please indicate that the article is reproduced from: Chinese Coffee Culture Communication website []]

Why can't coffee made from siphon pot make cappuccino?