Coffee review

How to use a coffee machine?

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, Drip coffee machine is a classic drip filter, many coffee friends use coffee machine for the first time, most of them are drip coffee machine, simple, efficient, reliable, is the characteristics of drip coffee machine, in today's time is money, fast and reliable extraction of a cup of coffee is the demand of many white-collar MM, so drip coffee machine is widely used in families and companies, today I

Drip coffee machine is a classic drip filter. Many coffee makers use drip coffee machine for the first time, which is simple, efficient and reliable. It is the characteristic of drip coffee machine. Today, time is money, fast and reliable extraction of a cup of coffee is the demand of many white-collar MM, so drip coffee machine is widely used in families and companies. Today we will talk about how to use the drip coffee machine.


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The drip coffee machine adds coffee powder to the machine, and the grinding degree of the coffee powder will also affect the quality of the extracted coffee. It is recommended to use finer coffee powder and pure water.

How to use the drip coffee machine:

First of all, add pure water to the water tank, and then put filter paper and coffee powder in the funnel. One person is a spoonful of coffee powder (about 10 grams) to make coffee for several people to add several servings of water. The pot has a scale. You can use the kettle as a container to measure water and then pour it into the tank. A few degrees is several people. Because coffee powder absorbs part of the water when dripping, the addition of water is larger than the scale. For example, for 3 people, the water should be measured at or above the scale 3.

Steps for the use of the drip coffee machine:

1. Add cold water to the water tank (pure water, which is conducive to the extraction of high-quality coffee and prevent scaling in the coffee machine line)

2. Put filter paper in the funnel and add coffee powder

3. Turn on the power switch

4. Drip from the upper pot to the next pot, and then drink it.

The use method of the drip coffee machine is very simple, as long as you add the coffee powder to the power supply, you can quietly wait for a cup of mellow coffee. It should be noted that when using the drip coffee machine in the family, it is best to preheat the coffee machine first and eject the stale water so as not to affect the quality of the coffee. The water used to extract coffee must use filtered pure water. Mineral water contains sodium, manganese, calcium, magnesium and other hard water, because hard water will lead to the release of single citric acid and greatly reduce the taste of coffee, so the editor suggests that pure water must be used to extract coffee.