Coffee review

China Coffee Association China Entrepreneurship Coffee Annual meeting held in Wuhan Optical Valley

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, On March 15, the 2015 China Entrepreneurship and Service China Entrepreneurship Coffee Annual meeting was held in Wuhan Optical Valley. Nearly 100 angel investors from all over the country and more than 600 Wuhan local entrepreneurs attended the event. Li Xueling, founder and CEO of YY, Mai Gang, president of China Young Angel Society, Ren Xiaoyan, chairman of Mother Capital, and Yuan Yue, CEO of Pegasus, delivered keynote speeches. In

On March 15, the 2015 China Entrepreneurship and Service China Entrepreneurship Coffee Annual meeting was held in Wuhan Optical Valley. Nearly 100 angel investors from all over the country and more than 600 Wuhan local entrepreneurs attended the event. Li Xueling, founder and CEO of YY, Mai Gang, president of China Young Angels Society, Ren Xiaoyan, chairman of Mother Capital, and Yuan Yue, CEO of Pegasus, delivered keynote speeches.

At the main forum, centering on the topic of "now is the spring of entrepreneurship", Mai Gang, president of the Chinese Youth Angel Association, explained to the entrepreneurs at the scene: "it is not just the government that wants the public to innovate and start businesses." it's not just because the capital market says we're registered, these things are superficial phenomena, and the fundamental thing is the development of the industry. Behind all great investment and great innovation and great entrepreneurship is the cycle, the innovation cycle, the technology cycle and the whole consumption cycle, which is the big environment. " As a senior who has been struggling in the entrepreneurial industry for more than 20 years, he also put forward his own warning: "I encourage innovative entrepreneurship, but do not advocate innovative entrepreneurship." I am in awe of entrepreneurs, but I think blind entrepreneurship and blind investment is a waste of social resources. I remind you that you must improve the quality when you are engaged in entrepreneurship and investment. I look forward to the day when so many small and medium-sized enterprises have the ability and the opportunity to grow into large enterprises and grow into world-class enterprises, I believe this is the ultimate goal of China's entrepreneurship and innovation.

On the development trend of entrepreneurial services in the future, Cheng Fang, president of Zhongguancun Entrepreneurship Street in Beijing, believes that "in this era of strong entertainment spirit, the most important thing to do is that fun outweighs other meanings." When Zhongguancun in Beijing proposed the establishment of Entrepreneurship Street, he thought that we must find ways to do all kinds of activities and do all kinds of things to make it interesting and interesting in order to attract people to participate, especially in the face of post-80s, post-90s and post-00s groups, fashion sense, is to meet the requirements of this era.

According to Li Ruxiong, Guanggu Venture Coffee, there are 53 entrepreneurial projects roadshows displayed at the event summit, and if guests can invest, the total investment will reach more than 100 million yuan.