Coffee review

Coffee shop management service part Coffee shop clerk basic service process

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Coffee shop clerk basic service process (1) preparation before business. Including: cleaning internal and external venues, arranging table booking, arranging table furnishings, cleaning bar, preparing drinks, cleaning counter, checking for change and invoices, checking lighting, audio, ventilation equipment. (2) greet the guests with a smile, then guide the guests to their seats and try to be safe in accordance with the requirements of the customers.

Basic service process of coffee shop clerk

(1) preparation before business operation. Including: cleaning internal and external venues, arranging table booking, arranging table furnishings, cleaning bar, preparing drinks, cleaning counter, checking for change and invoices, checking lighting, audio, ventilation equipment.

(2) greet the guests with a smile, then guide the guests to seat and arrange the seats as far as possible according to the requirements of the customers.

(3) pour water to the guest, usually eight points will be enough, and then send the meal plate.

(4) when introducing the products of the store, you should be correct, simple and clear, and do not deliberately promote some products. Repeat the drinks ordered by the guests to avoid mistakes.

(5) when serving a hot drink, the ear of the cup needs to be directed towards the right hand side of the guest, so that the guest can easily take it.

(6) replenish the tea at any time and replace the ashtray.

(7) make sure the bill is correct before sending it to the guest, and remind the customer to take care of his or her belongings when seeing him off. And polite greetings, such as thank you, good-bye, welcome to come again.