Coffee review

Arabica coffee beans rise vigorously on Wednesday and slip on Thursday.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The US ICE Arabica coffee beans closed at $1.351 a pound on Wednesday, rising 4.2% the day before yesterday, the highest in more than three months, due to the foundation of technical analysis. But by Thursday, the technology strength factor had failed, and it slipped to $1.3455, down 0.41%. (instant for industry and commerce)

The US ICE Arabica coffee beans closed at $1.351 a pound on Wednesday, rising 4.2% the day before yesterday, the highest in more than three months, due to the foundation of technical analysis. But by Thursday, the technology strength factor had failed, and it slipped to $1.3455, down 0.41%. (instant for industry and commerce)