Coffee review

Haikou Cafe recommends Lao Haikou Cafe

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Decoration retro elegant, old TV, sewing machine, typewriter, enter the shop as if instantly return to the old times ~ the rooftop of Lao Haikou Cafe can have dinner in the open air! The environment is beautiful and cool, so friends can have dinner or hold birthday party.

Decoration retro elegant, old TV, sewing machine, typewriter, enter the shop as if instantly return to the old times ~ the rooftop of Lao Haikou Cafe can have dinner in the open air! The environment is beautiful and cool, so it is the best choice for friends to have dinner or hold a birthday party.

Address: No. 13 Baiyuan Yaju, 18 Longhua North Road, Longhua District (200 meters into the intersection of Longyuan Villa next to the Yinzhou Hotel on the South Bridge of Longhua North Road)

Tel: 0898-66750980