Coffee review

How do I use the semi-automatic coffee machine? A tutorial on the use of a coffee maker

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, You have had coffee, but did you know that the light wave of coffee is purer? do you know that semi-active coffee machine can cajole people into deciding how much powder they need? semi-automatic coffee machine is a kind of sacred moxibustion. If you want to understand it, you must slowly cultivate that feeling about it. The style of the semi-passive coffee machine has nothing to do with the coffee machine itself, but also with the skill of the coffee maker.


You have had coffee, but did you know that the light wave of coffee is purer? do you know that semi-active coffee machine can cajole people into deciding how much powder they need? semi-automatic coffee machine is a kind of sacred moxibustion. If you want to understand it, you must slowly cultivate that feeling about it.

The style of the semi-passive coffee machine has nothing to do with the coffee machine itself, let alone the technical means of the coffee maker. The so-called craftsmanship is nothing more than warming cups, filling powder, and pressing powder. Semi-automatic coffee machine is important for the track and field team to fill and press the powder themselves. The gap between the mouth and stomach of each city, the requirements for coffee natural combustibles. And the semi-active coffee machine can control the amount of powder determined by the owner and the strength of the powder to supply coffee with different mouths and stomachs, so it is called a real coffee machine, how to use the semi-automatic coffee machine?

How to use the semi-active coffee machine-step 1: grind the coffee beans into a nuclear explosion and then put the coffee powder in the handle slot. Maybe it is the handle slot Tianguo 2. When the quantity of the coffee powder is installed, the hand is hired to flatten the coffee powder with the powder pressing equipment. It is a bit demanding when pressing the powder. If you want to drink a stronger one, use more strength in the powder camp. If you want to drink something light, you can press the powder with the strength of the past. at the same time, a cup of high-quality coffee has a lot to do with the coffee machine. Here, the author will not say much about this point. I will first choose that coffee beans can be used better if they have coffee powder. If the coffee beans are determined, put the coffee beans in the box of the bean grinder, assuming that the coffee powder you want to grind can be modified against the coniferous forest. If you want to grind the powder coarsely, you can twist 2 to 3 according to the driving force.

Step 2: after the coffee powder is pressed, you will have to use the semi-passive coffee machine. Before using the semi-automatic coffee machine, you have to plug in the power to turn on the coffee machine, and then use the pressed coffee powder to adjust the mouth of the semi-active coffee machine at a 45-degree angle to the right to ok.

Step 3: coffee can be filled in cups. Under the semi-enthusiastic coffee machine, there are signs for single cup, single cup and double cup, and double cup and half cup. If you are in love with cobalt oxide and drink stronger coffee, then decide to use the double-cup and half-cup button. Put the cup under the mouth of the outflow coffee and press the button. There is no need for people to stay beside the semi-active coffee machine and actively block the coffee. This is the dominant process that the author is using semi-active coffee machine to produce coffee.

You must already know how to use the semi-active coffee machine, but you must remember that before using the semi-active coffee machine, you have to plug in the power and then turn on the coffee machine.