Coffee review

Bodum Columbia‧ French filter kettle & #8231;French Press

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Bodum Columbia French filter kettle French Press French filter kettle, also known as French pressure. This method of brewing coffee, according to Wikipedia, was invented by the French in 1850. Because of its simple use, it has been popular for more than a hundred years and has many users. The principle is simple: put the ground coffee powder into the pot and pour it into hot water at the right temperature.

Bodum Columbia ·French filter kettle ·French Press

French filter kettle, also known as French pressure. This method of brewing coffee, according to Wikipedia, was invented by the French in 1850. Because of its simple use, it has been popular for more than a hundred years and has many users.

The principle is very simple: put the ground coffee powder into the pot, pour into the hot water at the right temperature, rest for a few minutes, and use a filter to separate the coffee liquid from the coffee residue.

According to these three simple steps, using a French filter kettle to make coffee, there are three main factors that affect the flavor:

The thickness of coffee powder, the temperature of hot water, the length of soaking time.

Generally speaking, when using a French filter kettle, the grinding thickness is much thicker than that of a hand-punched or siphon kettle, which is mainly limited by the pore size of its own filter screen. If too fine powder is used, it will make the extracted coffee liquid muddy. The water temperature is not much different, controlled at about 90 ℃, and the soaking time is about four minutes.

Bodum, a brand from Denmark, was founded in 1944 to produce and sell glass plates, coffee, teapots and other related utensils. Its double glass series is well-known for its ingenious design and good texture. In 1974, bodum developed the first French filter kettle. So far, it has a place in the European market, even the filter bottles sold by Starbucks are from it.

This Bodum Columbia series, the material is different from its commonly used glass material, the kettle body is made of stainless steel, the heat preservation effect is quite good, and the mirror treatment of the appearance makes people can't bear to leave their fingerprints on it. The mesh of the filter is quite fine, and there is a circle of soft glue around the circumference to prevent coffee grounds from flowing back.

Next, we will actually make a cup of coffee to verify the good reviews of bodum.

First pour 25 grams of coffee powder into the pot.

Then slowly add 90 ℃ of hot water, about 300ml.

Rest for 4 minutes, without capping, the temperature drops by about 5 ℃.

Close the lid of the pot, gently press it, and a cup of strong coffee will come out of the oven.