Coffee review

How to use a siphon coffee maker?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Siphon coffee pot commonly known as glass ball or siphon is a simple and easy-to-use method of coffee brewing, and it is also one of the most popular coffee brewing methods in cafes. It uses water heating to produce water vapor, causing hot expansion and cold contraction, pushing the hot water from the lower sphere to the upper pot, and then sucking back the water from the upper pot after the lower pot cools. Let's take a look at how and how to use it:

Siphon coffee pot commonly known as glass ball or siphon is a simple and easy-to-use method of coffee brewing, and it is also one of the most popular coffee brewing methods in cafes. It uses water heating to produce water vapor, causing hot expansion and cold contraction, pushing the hot water from the lower sphere to the upper pot, and then sucking back the water from the upper pot after the lower pot cools. Let's take a look at how and how to use it:



1. Pour hot water into the ball under the glass.

When boiling one cup, add 200 ml of water under the ball, 175 ml when not pouring bottom water, and 350 ml when boiling two cups. After pouring water, wipe the ball under the glass with a dishcloth, otherwise it is easy to break the glass.

2. Load the filter into the ball.

Take the filter out of the water and press it dry, hook the filter hook to the bottom of the ball, and then use the adjusting rod to adjust the position of the filter to the middle position.

3. After the water is boiling, insert the upper ball into the lower ball.

Turn it into a small fire, carefully tilt the ball on the glass into the lower ball, and make sure that the water will not roll too much and spray out, press the ball on the glass slightly straight down and rotate at the same time.

4. after the water rises by half, put the coffee powder, start stirring, and start the clock after stirring.

The amount of each cup is 15 grams, and start the first time of stirring, do not stir around the circle, should draw 3/4 yuan around, press the powder into the water from top to bottom, so that the forces of two different directions collide with each other, do not stir too long, just spread the coffee powder.

Stir for the second time at 5 or 25 seconds.

Stir for the third time at 6 and 55 seconds and turn off the heat at 60 seconds.

When it takes only 50 seconds to brew a cup of coffee (the second time in 20 seconds and the third time in 45 seconds), pull up the upper ball quickly after turning off the heat, pour out the remaining water from the lower ball, and then insert it back into the upper ball. this action is called inverted bottom water. if you don't want to do this step, the water is only 175 grams.

7. Wipe the ball under the glass with a wet and cold towel immediately after turning off the fire.

8. When the coffee liquid is filtered to the end, pull up the ball on the glass and do not let the last coffee flow.

When using the siphon method to brew coffee, the cleaning and preservation of the filter cloth is quite troublesome. After its first use, the cloth changes from pure white to brown, accumulating fat and protein that cannot be completely removed. Contact with the air will produce a disgusting stench, seriously affecting the taste of coffee.