Coffee review

How to make coffee using the standard coffee machine brewing technology

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, 1 collect materials. You will need a coffee maker, clean glass water bottle, filter paper, grinder and a cup. 2 grind coffee beans. Adjust the grinder to medium (or follow your grinder's instructions). You can also use ground coffee, but it will lose a little flavor. Choosing coffee beans is the key. If you like the lighter taste, you can try to tune it.

1 collect materials. You will need a coffee maker, clean glass water bottle, filter paper, grinder and a cup.

2 grind coffee beans. Adjust the grinder to medium (or follow your grinder's instructions). You can also use ground coffee, but it will lose a little flavor. Choosing coffee beans is the key. If you prefer a lighter taste, try seasoned coffee or lightly mixed coffee. If you have a strong coffee that awakens energy, you can choose espresso or Kona beans. Mix all kinds of coffee beans together and there are some very good combinations.

Put the filter paper into the cooking basket. According to the instructions of your coffee machine, use filter paper of the right size. If the cooking basket can be removed, rinse a cooking basket and filter paper with hot water to remove the smell of the paper.

There is also a reusable filter, which can not only reduce the waste of paper, but also will not leave any smell, it is also very convenient to clean.

4 put the ground coffee powder into the filter. Most coffee machines need 2 tablespoons of coffee powder to make a cup of coffee. Adjust the proportion according to your taste: add more coffee powder if you like the strong flavor, and add less if you like the light flavor. If the coffee is too strong, you can add some hot water to the cup.

Pour water into the water tank of the coffee machine. Use a glass water bottle as a measuring cup and use the right amount of water according to the amount of coffee powder you pour into it. Most coffee machines are measured on the side.)

6 turn on the switch. Press the power button or the on button. The coffee will be preheated for 1 to 2 minutes, and then the coffee will be brewed. Some coffee machines cook faster, while others cook slowly. It's good to cook slowly, because the taste will be fuller. When you make coffee, you can fry an egg, bacon or a piece of bread, and then pair it with brewed coffee for a quick, delicious and warm breakfast.

7 when drinking coffee, you can add some sugar and cream if you like.