Coffee review

The Soul of Italian espresso-semi-automatic Coffee Machine

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, The semi-automatic coffee machine is relative to the fully automatic coffee machine. Comprehensive coffee beans roasted at a depth of 7 grams are ground into very fine coffee powder. after 9 atmospheric pressure and 90 degrees Celsius steam, 30 milliliters of strong coffee liquid is rapidly extracted in a short time of 20 seconds called "Espresso".

The most important thing about a successful "Espresso" is to see if there is a thick layer of brown-red grease foam floating on the surface: "Crema Cleima".

The most important feature of "Espresso" is the cohesion of fragrance and taste. The general orthodox way of drinking is to add sugar, stir slightly, and then start drinking when the temperature reaches the point where you can drink it. While enjoying the fragrant taste, caffeine intake is greatly reduced. This drinking method, which takes the taste of coffee to the extreme but takes care of health, has made coffee experts around the world recognize that "Espresso" is worthy of the soul of coffee.

"automatic" means that after filling and pressing the powder, you only need to turn the knob or press the button to get the coffee you like. And "half" because it can not grind beans, can only use coffee powder.

Strictly speaking, a semi-automatic coffee machine can be called a professional coffee machine. Because the quality of a cup of coffee is not only related to the quality of coffee beans (powder), but also to the coffee machine itself, but also to the skill of the coffee maker. The so-called technology is nothing more than warming the cup, filling powder, pressing powder. The semi-automatic coffee machine requires the operator to fill and press the powder himself. Everyone has different tastes, so their requirements for coffee are naturally different. The semi-automatic coffee machine can provide coffee with different tastes by the amount of powder and the strength of pressing powder by the operator, so it is called a real professional coffee machine. World-class coffee machines include FAEMA semi-automatic coffee machine, RANCILIO semi-automatic coffee machine, Kimberly coffee machine.
